ive played this game 4 times on 4 different platforms

puppeteer is extremely charming with its humor, set design and self awareness that managed to capture my attention when i was a kid that makes me kinda sad i didnt enjoy it as much as i thought it would. i think puppeteer is beautiful in its presentation but fails to allow players to stop and smell the roses in terms of appreciating its set design, storytelling and dialogue. there's so many fun quips and background details to focus on but most of the stages require you to zip past them in a way that, at least for me, made me zone out instead of truly enjoying my time with it. it is very fun though, and later on i might replay for finding secrets like all the heads i missed during my gameplay. i just wish i could've enjoyed my time with it more.

most fun characters, soundtrack and story ever. beating this a week after persona 5 killed me

i actually really like the costume quest series! i used to play these games all the time as a kid and i loved it - the dialogue is amusing, the soundtrack is really nice, and finding all the equipment for costumes was surprisingly rewarding, even after coming back a few years later. anyone who likes shorter rpgs would probably enjoy it, its a pretty fun game

i love how fun and bouncy the art style and gameplay are in this game! the music is fun, controls well, and i had a great time overall. for the entire time i was thinking: omg this reminds me of rhythm heaven only to find out it has some of the same devs .. lol.

this game was so mind boggling and made me laugh out loud so many times .. the way level 5 constructs games are so fun and refreshing

[vita+switch] beautiful art direction but i still dk how to make a combo

absolutely love the aesthetic and songs but the gameplay and timing in both parappa the rapper AND um jammer lammy makes me want to rip my hair out actually

has finally given me something that i long for: murder mystery content. the game is definitely fun!! the masks are quite a neat concept and the art direction is great however i just .. can’t sit down and play it. maybe it’s because i get bored of things easily, but it’s definitely a game you dedicate a day or a week to and then be done with it. may come back later to finish it but i honestly don’t feel like it at this given moment

a really fun and simple rhythm game! got into it after failing to play both parappa the rapper and um jammer lammy (both great game’s respectively, i just suck at its timing), has a fun art style and the 3d models make me oddly nostalgic. you can probably finish it in one sitting if you’re not lazy like me

while pokemon moon is seen as the fall off of pokemon i absolutely LOVED this game!! i got it for my birthday when i was a kid and played it to completion 3 times and little me poured over 200 hours into this game ... i love it. it's still really fun and enjoyable to me and i still go back and play it sometimes. i recommend replaying it if you couldn't get into it the first time !!

the first game that got me into rpgs. the mogeko series is terrible, the villains are poorly written because funamusea cannot write so she overuses a terrible trope every game to add to the “edginess” of her stories. however, i still hold nostalgia for the okegom series. these games made me want to tell my own stories that weren’t backed by a major studio or with stunning graphics.

it still sucks though. go play witch’s heart instead

actually a really fun gaming experience ! i played it fully in a day or two, and had a really good time. doesn’t take itself too seriously which allows for a more enjoyable play through, plus the music is great!