73 Reviews liked by roger_hunt

A bit of a frustrating experience, because it’s sooo close to being a very good to great shmup—weapon-switching on the fly is fun, and the levels are smartly laid out to encourage it; and the music and graphics are excellent—but there’s just too much bullshit design in the way. Tons of stuff kills you without any warning on the first attempt, so it basically comes down to memorization… and once you do memorize the few BS spots in each stage, the whole thing kind of becomes a cake walk.

It’s just not balanced well. I haven’t played IV yet, but I’m hoping it’s so lauded because they kept all of the good stuff about III, and excised all of the garbage, and got the difficulty balance just right…

Dying 9 times in a row because i forgot to memorize the exact pixel in which a rock will fall from the celling is okay because the longest boss fight in the game takes like 20 seconds.

Trial and Error: The Game with a side of "What am I looking at?"

so I never actually played this game when it first came out. I only finished it recently and tbh, it's really dated. the controls are fine for the most part but the level design can be really messy and really cheat you out of deaths. Your squad mates are also absolutely useless and will constantly run in and die. Can still be a fun time, and is a piece of xbox history, but a pretty mediocre game by today's standards.

Pinball meets Twin Stick Shooter in a shallow indie rogue like.
Go Mecha Ball is an overwhelming blur that does everything in it power to hurt your senses. Firstly if you are considering playing this game I highly recommend turning down the music, turning off motion blur and disabling screen shake screen. Not only are all these thing obnoxious and overwhelming the colour palet and texture design is god awful too.
Now for gameplay, it's actually not all terrible. I particularly like the class that focuses on being a pinball as there's something quiet satisfying about bouncing enemy's off the map. There is a fair bit of enemy variety which is nice, however I can't say the same for the boss fights. In total there are 4 main bosses (possibly a 5th if you 100%) that are very unrewarding and painfully easy.
Overall the rogue mechanics are quiet dull and with the game play thats average at best I wouldn't recommend.

you know the saying "third time's a charm"? it originated from the fact that it took mario 3 games before their games actually became good

incredibly fun and short rpg that makes very other jrpg feel like a chore

if i made NES action kino and my cover artist drew a white guy in a t-shirt and jeans for the box i would jump off a bridge

Good introduction to picross even if it felt lacking in some areas. Really tedious to fill in the 0s and 15s especially with the laggy cursor.

For what it is, it’s fine and fun, and a nice first entry in Nintendo’s Picross series.

It just doesn’t compare at all to its sequels. It won’t have as many puzzles, and they’re pretty basic whilst also being unnecessarily cryptic by the end of the game. Lots of guessing involved, and that’s not great for a game like this. It also doesn’t help that you can’t mark the numbers of the completed tiles, and the cursor kind of lags sometimes, which can ruin your run if you’re short on the remaining time.

It’s all doable though, and you’ll find enough fun in this one, but make sure you check out Mario’s Super Picross for the Super Famicom and Picross 2 (also for the Game Boy, Japan-only though) after you’re done with this. Especially the latter.

yeah this games cute and all but why did this pleasant ass british gentleman look me dead in the eyes and ask "Can you rearrange these matchsticks to make a picture of a dead dog?"

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Thinking about this game, the discourse around it, the developers, the streamers, the players, the supporters, gives me spiritual depression

i find it funny that the mega mushroom was so heavily advertised (look at the cover) but nintendo could only find like 1 or 2 levels to put it in so to keep it relevant half of the toad houses are completely useless

Wtf were they cooking having to beat bosses with mini mushrooms to unlock a quarter of the main game.