i was honestly hyped for this game simply because it was the game where you played as a cat. i went in pretty much blind, so i was very pleasantly surprised about how deep the lore and worldbuilding went!

the gameplay is a blast, the graphics are stunning, the music is perfect for the atmosphere, and most importantly you play as a little kitty. game of the year honestly

i made an australian apple id just to see how bad this game was, and somehow it was even worse than what i expected

this is one of three games i've beaten, and then immediately went back to replay. it's been 2 weeks since the day i originally completed it and i still can't find the words for what this game means to me.

going into it...i knew it was going to be one of those games that would change me forever. but god i wasn't prepared for it (i don't think i ever would have been prepared tbqh). it's....a lot, but in a weirdly refreshing sort of way?

what i can say is that i urge anyone reading this to play this game. i've already bought it for two friends (twice! at full price!) and i'm seriously considering buying it for more. there's just so much love poured into the world and its narrative that i can gush about for hours without end.

the art direction is stunning, the music is stunning, the only complaint i really even have is that sometimes the player pathing and camera movement can get a little buggy, but it didn't detract from any of my enjoyment. please god play this game


it's nothing crazy, but it's still super cool playing through such a huge part of gaming history. the devs clearly put thought into just about everything you could do within the game, which i appreciate

i reaaally wish i liked this game more :-( it's basically everything i love in a game (psychological horror walking sim? yes please!) but idk, maybe my expectations were too high.

i'll give credit where credit is due, the atmosphere of this game is absolutely harrowing, without using any jumpscares...mostly. i felt complete and utter dread while going through some of the zones in this game, even though i knew nothing could kill me or jump out at me.

but i don't know. maybe i need to think on this game some more, or maybe i went through it too quickly. i might look into some of the secret stuff too. i just hate this feeling that i missed something.

broke free from my addiction for about a year and a half but no matter how fast you run wow always runs faster :-(

probably the best expansion we've had since legion!!! seriously, i haven't been this excited about wow in a long time

as always the sound and art teams carried, but the leveling is probably the most fun i've had in any expansion, dragonriding feels absolutely incredible too. honest to god i want to be able to ride my dragon isles dragons everywhere else.

it's too early to say how the story's gonna be, but so far i have hope! i'm really liking how they're handling wrathion so far in particular. there's clearly tons of thought put into the worldbuilding, you can ask just about every named npc questions about their own personal history, like the meaning of their name and whatnot!

overall this expansion just feels like blizz is finally listening? sorry, this is just one big word vomit, but my patch 10.0 takeaway is that it's so refreshing.

nothing too crazy but it's relaxing and i like using it to touch up on color relations when i'm too lazy to actually do art

i first got into this series through kingdom when it first released, which i played religiously! until i burnt myself out horribly because i forgot i hate mobile city builder games. it took me a couple years to give the series a try again, but i saw my friend playing ovenbreak and thought i'd take another chance. unfortunately i now play this one religiously and i want to hate it so badly but i willingly play it for at least an hour a day... funny cookie guys always win out

guys will get stuck in eternal loops of simulated life & death and be fine with that ig

god i wish i liked this game more ... i get what they were going for with chap5 being the true ending but it's so ridiculously out of the way 😭😭 i put the game down 2 years ago after chap4 and it took me hyping myself up while replaying the whole series to finally stomach the rest ... god don't even get me started on how huge segments of the plot going forward are hidden behind tapes you have to farm bosses to even get

god what a remake... i'm absolutely beyond ecstatic that so many people are going to be able to experience this game for the first time!! persona 3 is definitely odd to recommend to people (despite being by far my favorite entry in the series) because it has such a vague & difficult concept to sell without getting too into spoilery territory. not to mention an extremely slow start, which unfortunately this version does still have :-(

but until you get to the meat of the plot (& for anyone reading this who is thinking of buying this or is stuck in the opening, it's so worth it just hang in there!!) this version improves on tartarus SO much i absolutely loved every second of it!! there's so many new random events & with the inclusion of p5 style mementos dialogue it was just perfection.

theurgy is such a cool addition too, it felt so good playing to each character's personality & being rewarded for doing so!! i can't even believe it took so long for a system like that in this series omfg

the new linked episodes are great too!! they definitely made the lack of male party member s. links hurt less, especially with the news that we'll never be getting a femc dlc :-( the new story bits are spectacular and i loved seeing the new little hints throughout tartarus & especially with strega!!

overall this improved so SO much on the original, and i'm ecstatic to see how they tackle the answer in the future!!

gosh this game is so cute ... i got it on a whim because my motivation with finals has been weating thin and i needed something new to keep me going. i saw a discord friend idling on it a few weeks ago so i thought i'd give it a shot too, and oh my gosh, it totally exceeded my expectations!!

in terms of productivity tools, this game has a customizeable pomodoro timer, a habit tracker, a to-do list, a journal, customizeable soundscapes, like ~5 pre installed albums to listen to & a built in youtube web player! basically, for me, it's everything i need and more to get the work i need to done! i also struggle a lot with motivation, so knowing i have new things to buy or spirits to unlock if i keep up with my work does wonders for my focus

that said, the customization feels a little incomplete, at least where it stands now! but the devs have posted a mini roadmap saying they'll be dropping some free updates later to improve that, which i'm very hopeful & excited for! for a game that just came out a couple weeks ago, there's still plenty to do and unlock

but anyways yeah if you're reading this and you're looking for a sign to get this game, absolutely get it! the price is more than worth all the features it comes loaded with just compared to other productivity idlers out there for free