so much scarier than i thought it was going to be

This game is really good now, but it's honestly a bit too much for me. I really enjoyed it, I just got overwhelmed with how much there is to do and combine that with a lack of polish and I got kinda swept away from it. Still a great game though.

This game would be so goated if the writing didn’t try so hard

The best puzzle game I've ever played oh my GOD man


I tried to play this game twice before, both times being after the 1.5 update. It was pretty good; felt oddly unresponsive and floaty, and ran like absolutely dogshit. But the 2.0 update revived CDPR for me. They actually stuck to their guns and just fixed it, and from what I've heard, the new expansion is incredible, too. The story is amazing, all the voice acting is great, the gameplay makes me feel like god, and I just really enjoyed it even if it took me 3 tries to get back into it. Fantastic game with a slow start and an eventually explosive ending. Yeah.

I'm not gonna rate this because I just couldn't really get into it and that's completely on me. I'm so glad Larian got the flowers they deserved, just don't think this game is for me and that's alright. Looks and runs great, I just couldn't get behind the combat or the movement system. Still a brilliant testament to what can go right in a video game's development cycle.

I didn't get to finish this one (my Game Pass expired), but it was warm, cozy, and fun. While I didn't really have a drive to keep playing, I always felt pretty relaxed playing it and I enjoyed my time with it.


Really great aesthetic and sound design, overall fun short puzzle game :)

I have so many thoughts about this game, but the best way to sum it up would be to say that it is a fun game, but not a good game.

Sure, there are parts of it that are really enjoyable. The universe it's in, the main quest, all the different places and people you can see and interact with. The sound design is immaculate and the score is great, and the voice acting is wonderful.

But there are so many things wrong with it that a new engine can't fix. How is there so much dialogue? Why are all the faces so pale and boring and don't actually move much? Why is there no vehicle to traverse planets on when we knew that was possible with Mass Effect in 2007? These are only issues because a) previous games did them better and b) most of the game is talking to people, so facial animations and writing are the two most crucial components to this game and they just aren't good. And that's not even talking about the horrid performance on PC (No DLSS), lack of options in the menu (NO BRIGHTNESS SETTING??? WHAT THE FUCK???), and the overwhelming number of loading screens.

I am not disappointed. This was exactly what I was expecting from a Bethesda game. I had a lot of fun because of these expectations, but it does not excuse its faults, especially when it's coming from such a gargantuan studio. Either way, I don't regret playing it. If you loved Skyrim, you're gonna think this is the best game ever made. If you love good video games, it's not worth buying for a very long time.

The gameplay felt good, but the storytelling, exploration, and worldbuilding (up until the end, which was absolutely incredible) just wasn't there like it was in the previous two games. The weakest in the trilogy by far, but still a good experience with an incredible end to the series (andromeda doesn't exist)

[Legendary Edition]

The weakest of the trilogy but what an incredible way to end one of the greatest stories and universes of video games. Goddamn. Most of it was kinda butt but the rest was awesome.

(Through Legendary Edition)

Throws away what I really enjoyed in ME1 (Exploration, Loadouts for every character, weapon mods, etc.), but has incredible storytelling. The latter half of this game was so good that I'm only taking off half a star for the boring, repetitious, and sluggish first half. One of the most iconic "Revenge of the Sith" video games.

(I played the remastered version in the Legendary Edition, but I want to review each game individually)

This was so much better than I thought it was going to be. The voice acting is surprisingly still incredible, the story and world building is some of the best I've ever seen in a video game, and though it's not that intense or stunning graphically, it still paints your screen with beautiful worlds. The gunplay is a bit outdated but goddamn I still had a great time playing this one and I can't wait for the rest of the series going forward.

The story is predictable but it's really sound. I liked this more than the actual main game lmao

I have a lot to say about this game. I feel like it could've been absolutely amazing, but struggled to get there in every way except combat and world-building. The story is okay, the exploration is good, the combat is great, and I just wish they weren't plagued with Ubisoft Disease.

I'm incredibly glad I played this game and I enjoyed my time with it. It's just not quite...great. It's good. In a very sad way.