little funky control wise but its gas

Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)
Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)

quit bitching abt baby mario the art style and mechanics of this game are perfect but i understand not calling it a mario game thats okay its still heat

little less replayable than tetris but lit

a fun world and peach floats idk what more u want

cant speak on the original version but people think this is drastically worse than majora or ocarina? this shit was lit i didnt like fighting the globby guy like 7 times but fuck it man this shti was heat idk bruh

dont glaze it too hard now its not better than ocarina or majoras

this game at an impressionable age gave me my bloodthirst for manslaughter

idk how you put so much content in a game that shit is beautiful

so fluid and fucking lit gas fart