Instead of the glorified portrait of death in the game industry, Spiritfarer shows the human side of death and how if affects the people around you. Also may help some players cope with similar losses that themselves had.
I've always disliked playing 2D games for some reason, but this one maybe changed that and for the better.
Great story and game mechanics.

A game you can finish in a few hours and what great hours those are. Indie gem.

Started way back in EA and 230 hours later just finished this year, what a ride.

Another indie banguer. Leave it to a couple people to make something extraordinary. (the yellow terminals were kinda whack tho)

I never would have imagined that a climbing game could be so entertaining and gorgeous. Leave it to the indie studios to bring us these gems.

f that baseball heart piece

inception but make it insection

best game I played my whole life, no joke