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A lot of trans media fails to capture what this VN manages to depict so effectively. We tend to focus on what trans bodies are -supposed- to look like, to the point where a lot of trans women and men internalize these ideas as goals they need to strive for. It doesn't matter if it's truly what they want, or if it's realistic, the "privilege" of their identity being respected hinges on these factors. Because some people just plainly suck or don't know any better.

Early into my journey I was enamored by submission, because it was only when I acted like this that I would be treated in the way I wanted to. It resulted in me frequently being taken advantage of and hurt, and being beset with expectations and desires that weren't my own.
It took me years to come to terms with who I wanted to be, finally deciding to start transitioning when what womanhood means to me fully crystalized.

I can see a lot of this process reflected back at me in this story, terrible abuse interspersed with happy moments that make you forget, if only for a day or two.
Being told what to like, how to look, how to behave, what to do; it has a sickening comfort to it that can become addicting. It's dangerous to give your own journey over to someone else, their whims and preferences are anything but yours.

To cap off this "review", it made me think about the voice training I plan to start soon. Despite being on hrt for over 2 years my voice seems to remain a large barrier towards being gendered correctly.
I personally don't mind my voice, never have and probably never will. This will likely be another thing in my transition I'm doing for the sake of others, rather than myself. It's important to reflect on these instances, to weigh the pros and cons, and make sure it's my own choice.
I think I will be doing this voice training regardless, but atleast I'll be confident in the fact that I chose for it, and relish the ability to still whip out my masc voice whenever I deem it to be useful or funny.

Orphanage sections have some of the best moments in the series, very touching and incredibly successful at presenting a captivating narrative.

Despite its strongly narrativised main mechanics, If Found wasnt able to fully capture my heart.

As a trans person it touched me, almost unavoidably, but its ending sequence left a strangely soured taste in my mouth. I was expecting something raw and honest, an experience I could learn from, but what I got was an ending that just made me think "if only".

I'm sure there are people who do resonate with this game. I'm glad it exists for them, and I'll keep searching and hoping for a game that hits me the same way.


this game really enabled my achievement hunting tendencies, thankfully without becoming tedious or overstaying its welcome

himbo attempts to prevent his own death with the help of a demonic twink

Before now I only played Arkham City of this series and this feels like an incredibly strong starting point, and honestly got me excited to replay the sequel and go from there.

In some places it does feel a lot more sluggish and hefty, especially in stealth Batman can be difficult to wrangle, but thankfully not to an extent where it takes away enjoyment.

All in all an extremely impressive title for such a young studio at the time (check out their sole previous title Urban Chaos: Riot Response, it's fucking insane).

Written in such a fun way, it sparked my curiosity throughout and I was just kinda hooked. Stuff like this is what makes me want to delve so much deeper into VNs and VN-esque games.

This game did cement my general dislike towards VNs as a genre, but the craft and narrative quality on display are clear regardless of that.

Brilliant concept, but poorly executed, it feels like the environment doesn't loan itself to the concept at all.
I was expecting vast fields to coast through while guiding titanic creatures back to their dwellings, not narrow roads and a car that handles like a tank.

It doesn't even come close to automata's elegant execution of the same idea, if anything playing this made me like its sequel more.

Besides that, it remains gripping in its storytelling and its ties with drakengard are compelling.

It's just not worth replaying it for the different endings imo; it'll be too much time invested for too little payoff, atleast that's how I felt about it.

Coming from kiwami 1 it is an insane improvement in many ways. The city feels much more lively, doing away with many of the loading screens between street and shop. The minigames are things you can dive deep into, and the story is sufficiently batshit insane to feel true to the yakuza formula.
The only downside I feel bad about is that they did away with the stances of kiwami 1, playing around with these during combat was half the fun and it caused combat in this game to grind into tedium quite a bit quicker.

Tad boring at times but it's insane how evocative it is, feels like a crossover of late 90s anime westerns and 90s shounen wrapped in a game that honestly just kinda fucks thanks to it going full vibes.


beatsaver and beastsaber are the go-to for maps and getting started with modding this, without mods itd be 2,5 stars