Summer 2024 Backlog Bonanza πŸ–πŸŒ΄πŸŒ…

Temp priority backlog for what I plan to play over the summer. I pick whatever I feel like playing when starting a new game so this is not comprehensive, nor will I force myself to stick to this list. For the most part I plan to not buy anything until the Steam Summer Sale. This is just a general overview of what I'd like to play in the next four months.

Nostalgia replay

Such a vibe, if it goes on 30% sale I'll go for it. Loved The Red Strings Club.

Soon since it's on Game Pass

Sometime soon since it's on Game Pass

Maybe, only if I feel like it before my Game Pass subscription expires.

Definitely a time sink. I'm planning on starting this soon but I want to make sure I squeeze out everything I want from Game Pass first

If I can afford it - hopefully during the Steam Summer Sale

Replay, with mods. This is absolutely gonna be a time sink with 100+ hour playtime so I might not get to this.
Replay, 100% achievements
I doubt I'll get to it this summer - I bought 13 Sentinels for like 15$ and I hope to do the same for this game.
From the Palestine bundle
Looks super cool and refreshing! Maybe during the Summer Sale
Nostalgia replay
For when I'm craving a good visual novel
I get the sense I'll need to be ready for a slow-paced, emotional story. Has a ~15 hour playtime so I wanna know I'm willing to sit with it for that long.
I've been in a visual novel mood and this one looks unique! If it gets an 80% sale I'll go for it.
This one is a big maybe. It's low-priority but if I can afford the HD trilogy by the Summer Sale I'll totally go for it.
Seems really heavy emotionally. Definitely saving for when I'm feeling better.
It's a 3 hour read, so I'll get to it when I have the time and mental energy to read through in one sitting.
I hate metroidvanias but oooh Mili music... oooh the visuals... Saving this for when I feel like I can put up with the gameplay.
SUPER heavy - I actually tried to play this in March or April but had to drop for my mental health. When I'm feeling up to it I really want to see this through.
I can tell this one's going to be very dense and I want to relax my brain right now 😭 when I'm in the mood for something more thematically rich
BIG maybe. I have a feeling I might bounce off this one.


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