There is just so So much content in this game and there's tons to explore. While the runs are inherently similar in concept, each run ends up feeling so varied and unique with the INSANE number of item combinations and synergies in the game.

A great little roguelike game with lots of depth if you'd like to explore it. The gameplay is fun and engaging and the builds are very fun to create but the game often suffers from over-burdening the player with keyword after keyword after modifier after modifier and often times it can be confusing.

This game is so incredibly in-depth which is both where it shines and where it can make it difficult to play. When you get a good run and are invested in it, it's very fun. If you're looking for traditional roguelikes, this is a great place to start as long as you know what you're in for.

It's a classic, and it holds up as a wonderful game in 2024 but the runs do tend to feel pretty similar when compared to other roguelite games. It varies by race, but each run essentially feels the same. That being said, it's a staple of the genre and is extremely influential.

It's just alright. Not bad, but it seems to rely on being hard without the payoff. It is very challenging and that's okay, but it doesn't feel very fun or rewarding when you do succeed. There are better games to spend your time on in the genre.

Great game, the best stealth mechanics of any game period. Freelancer mode adds so much replayability to this game that it has easily 1000 hours of gameplay if you'd like to experience it.

This is THE roguelite deckbuilder. Playing most other roguelite deckbuilders usually just feel like StS, but worse in some way. It's an incredible game with so much variety in builds as well as an incredibly high skill ceiling.

One of the best roguelites. What the runs lack in specing a 'build' with items (like TBoI), it makes up for in numerous characters and abilities which are a blast to unlock. It's a great game, and personally is my favorite sound track of all time.

Gameplay loop is fun but becomes tedious about 3/4 the way in. The 'runs' in the roguelite portion of the game are very repetitive and rarely feel different and the base building is purely for benefit. Some upgrades in both areas are totally useless but overall it's a pretty solid game.

Gameplay loop is fun but becomes tedious about 3/4 the way in. The 'runs' in the roguelite portion of the game are very repetitive and rarely feel different and the base building is purely for benefit. Some upgrades in both areas are totally useless but overall it's a pretty solid game.

Great game. Balances horror and adventure well, good twists.

Strong start, and only gets more tedious the more you play. I think they added way too many mechanics way too quickly and the gameplay suffers for the second half.

Great game, I've never played a game like this. Good atmosphere, combat, upgrades, and overall was a fun experience. Except the final boss, that was horse shit.

A wonderful game and still holds up in 2024.

It's like City, but better in every conceivable way. This feels like Portal going to Portal 2, where the original gets credit for creating the premise and the second only expands upon and improves it. This is one of my favorite games.