30 Day VG Music Challenge

Original Prompt
Went with Hard Mode so No Game Repeats. Went the extra mile with No Falcom Games too.

Category: Title Screen Music
Song: Shining Resonance Main Theme
Composed by: Junpei Fujita

A fairly mediocre game with a very good OST.
Category: Opening level music
Song: Forest of Judgment
Composed by: ZIZZ STUDIO (Yoh Ohyama)

I've only been exposed to ZIZZ Studio somewhat recently, but I enjoyed many of their songs.
Category: 8-bit Music
Song: Title Theme
Composed by: Koji Kondo

One of the most popular song in this list. The beginning to a long running series.
Category: Music from a console exclusive series
Title: The Image Theme of Xenosaga II
Composed by: Yuki Kajiura

I'm not a big fan of Ep.2's OST, but I liked what Yuki Kajiura contributed.
Category: Hub world or overworld music
Title: Fortress of Steel
Composed by: Go Shiina

Go Shiina's music is just amazing.
Category: Music that makes you feel relaxed
Title: Goodnight Yuu

My favorite 2022 OST as of creating this list.
Category: Music from an Indie Game
Title: Winding Roots
Composed by: Hiroyuki Oshima

From the game that was my biggest surprise of 2020.
Category: Music from a Shooter
Title: Stand Strong, Stand Together
Composed by: Christopher Lennertz

From my favorite WRPG.
Category: Music from a licensed game
Title: Overture
Composed by: Yosuke Kinoshita

Even though I haven't played the game yet, the music is pretty good.
Category: RPG Battle Music
Title: Battle Hymn
Composed by: Yasuhiro Kawagoe

There's a lot of great songs for this category so I opted for a less known one. A music themed Compile Heart game. It's nice.
Category: Puzzle Game Music
Title: Battle to Ascertain
Composed by: Hajime Sugie

A puzzle platformer. One of those NIS obscure games with a lot of charm.
Category: Music that makes you sad
Title: Tears in my Eye
Composed by: Kenji Kaneko

The game has a pretty solid OST despite the game's poor reception. This song is played through many of the sad moments in the game.
Category: Music you like from a game you don't like
Title: Even
Composed by: Erika Ito

I don't like this game. I liked the first game though.
Category: Music featuring vocals
Title: EXEC_Chronicle_Key/.
Composed by: Akiko Shikata
Vocals by: Akiko Shikata

My favorite song from my favorite JRPG OST. It's magical.
Category: Boss Battle Music
Title: Combat 4
Composed by: Noriyuki Iwadare

The Grandia games are known for their battle themes. This doesn't disappoint.
Category: 16-Bit Music
Title: Jib-Jig
Composed by David Wise

The DKC games have many great songs, but I opted for a less popular one.
Category: Music you never get tired of
Title: Valkyrie's March
Composed by: Masaharu Iwata

I had this song as my ringtone and alarm clock for a while. Beautiful game, great music.
Category: Music in a game released in the year you were born
Title: Silent Pursuit
Composed by: Kazunaka Yamane

I feel old.
Category: Cover of music by a different artist
Title: Lily of Steel Remix
Composed by: GVGrong
Originally composed by: Daisuke Ishiwatari

A remix of a song by my favorite fighting game composer. I might like it better than the original...maybe.
Category: Music from a racing game
Title: On the Run
Composed by: Marc Baril

My favorite kart racer. Please bring it back.
Category: Music you associate with frustration
Title: Colossus (Phase 2)
Composed by: Go Shiina

The fight wasn't too frustrating, but it was one of the most difficult fights in the game.
Category: Town/Village Music
Title: Where the Bell Chimes
Composed by: Ken Nakagawa

From my 2nd favorite JRPG OST, this game actually has a lot of nice town/village songs.
Category: Underrated Music
Title: Main Theme
Composed by: MARI

This song is surprisingly good from a game that I have trouble finishing.
Category: Music you constantly have stuck in your head
Title: Tales of Hameln
Composed by: Yoh Ohyama

Surprisingly, my two favorite songs from the first two games are the base songs. This one in particular gets stuck in my head often. The violins are so good here.
Category: Music that gets you pumped
Title: Suck a Sage
Composed by: Daisuke Ishiwatari

From my favorite 2D Fighter.
Category: Music you liked from a game you haven't played
Title: Heart Beating Fast
Composed by: Takeshi Matsumoto & Svyatoslav Petrov

Got this game in my backlog.
Category: Music from a handheld game
Title: Intruding Upon Happiness, Plundering the Future
Composed by: Junpei Fujita

From the forgotten Wild Arms game. A shame since it's pretty good.
Category: Music that makes you nostalgic
Title: Zelda's Theme
Composed by Koji Kondo

I didn't choose Saria's Song because of reasons. Still my favorite game of all time which is influenced by nostalgia to a certain degree.
Category: Final Boss Music
Title: Fight!! Ver.4
Composed by: Noriyuki Iwadare

This is good.
Category: Credits music
Title: Kokoro
Composed by: Yasunori Mitsuda
Vocals by: Joanne Hogg

I got a huge attachment to this song. I would recall watching the credits over and over again trying to figure out what's going to happen with the next game. Cliffhangers from games with planned sequels are pain.


1 year ago

wow this list is so cool! such interesting and good picks too, might do it myself one of these days. did you find this challenge on the internet or did you think it yourself?
@Mitsu. This challenge was posted on the JRPG Discord Server that I frequented. The prompt itself came from a twitter post which you can see in the link at the top.

1 year ago

@sleeping0dragon Thank you! i'll definitely do it later, seems like fun!

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