Nintendo Direct and PS State of Play - 9/14

Nintendo and Sony competing with pretty whatever showcases today. Titles of what I found interesting or just have quick thoughts

Nintendo in their remake era. DK fans on suicide watch
Still on the fence because something feels off about it but I may get it.
please don't be terrible
Still looks dope and I want to get it.
Yes just for the fits
Cool surprise. I hope it leads to the later 7th gen games getting re-releases.
In Vanillaware I continue to kneel
Open to playing this, though not much because of how underwhelmed I was with 3.

If Sony did something like this, people would be lashing them. I’m sick
The tramp stamp on one of the characters sent me so hard lol
What happened to the lighting? Otherwise, this is dope and I need super paper mario.
This used to be a proper industry (allegedly)
This and Sonic Frontiers getting hyped dlc releases next week for me
The game looks even more nuts but idk about pulling the trigger for $70 for it. I'll get it at some point if it is better than the first one.
Need to check out the demo of this but I want to get this. Looks so cool
Somewhere somehow, gamers and gaming media are gonna blame this game' and square's failure on FF16 and its PC release next year.
This game call me poor like 16 did earlier this year. Still need to get through the remake and the original at some point.


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