hotline miami kinda game but good

Stop posting about ace combat

I like what they did to max but actually playing the game puts me to sleep

what if "souls" combat was good

shit game that somehow made all other third person shooters boring. who doesn't love wallruns and dashes

Extraction Point is passed like the best fear fps and as a very intense shooter of novel encounters for the series, yet half of the maps involve mid range combat the guns are not suited for, it turns into some jank cover fps with a lot of imprecise weapons (the ones from the previous game are suited for closer combat). The original game isn't perfect either, bullet time makes enemies too slow to react and all encounters the same, the only alternative to slowmo in order to minimize damage while out of cover is spamming medkits, in general i tend to barely use any of this to give replica enemies time to do cool shit while i suffer few hits, at least in the original game where the gameplay kinda works lol

good therapy people nitpick because they consider furyu a kuso gamedev, they are not ready, read the novel

nanosuit powers are fun but the map gives you too many options you'll ignore for sniping and the shooting feels a bit shit since headshots dont always register, the stealth approach is no more at one point. Idk