610 Reviews liked by smolborbsammie

The best singleplayer multiplayer game ever

It'd be 5 stars if me knew japanese. It is impossible to figure out how those small bombs ended in yesterday's dinner otherwise

Had the soundtrack on my phone since high school, which made high school bearable (except when people would ask me whatI was listening too, and me would have to explain to them what an RPG was, and summerize the whole deconstruction aspect by just saying "it's silly". Hated when that happened)

The scene where you fingerbang all those office workers was so fun.

We made a walrus president, Ohio its own galaxy and an Among Us bean shooting its own butt at the Eiffel Tower

Like Batman and Robin, the highlight is, somehow, Mr. Freeze

Peak storyelling (By Sonic and Sega Genesis platformers standards)

Finally, a game where foiling a conspiracy and doing groceries both justify vehicular manslaughter

Yelling at people with a hot devil MILF is fun

I liked Spark Mandrill's theme before it was cool.

From unresolved sexual tension to a love headbutt to a kiss, we'll get a full fledged turian sex scene by Mass Effect 17

Game's got a deep lore, and that's before taking into account Shovel Knight is cannon in the GoW universe

Cynthia's and the upside down waterfall are hot AF.

Nothing more thrilling than killing mechs with a plushie and a stick

Moira and the Chinese Assault Rifle were like my first crush in games ever.