A fun RPG with a very interesting story. Played it blind back when it came out and it truly was an experience! While some parts fo the horror aspect were not for me (and stressed me out very much!!) I can see they serve to elevate the game. You can clearly see the Yume Nikki inspiration in Blackspace 2, and other areas ddo have that wandering feeling as well. Enjoyable and memorable!

Found this game by sheer chance back in the day, never looked back. Amazing puzzles, incredible story, great easter eggs, an iconic cast of characters... and possibly one of the best mechanics a game has ever had, now turned up to 11 with all the new additions!! Fully recommended if you liked Portal 1 or even if you haven't played Portal before.

Absolute masterpiece of a game. Just amazing. The languages are so intricate and well thought-out I could see the different ways the words were formed and could form words of my own sometimes. An innate sense of wonder about the world that surrounds you and the relationships between all the "tribes" that live in the tower, all complex and speaking of many years of relations and societal developments... As a linguist and translator, my heart sings when playing this game.


An enjoyable game with cool graphics and cool, vague lore! I wish it was longer and it had a bit more stuff to do, but overall it's a great experience.


Very enjoyable metroidvania with interesting mechanics. The lack of fast travel (so far) does hurt it, but otherwise it's pretty good! I'm just not good at this kind of games so I kept getting stuck on bosses for days on end. Eventually I'll finish it, but from what I've seen, it's quite fun and the story is very interesting!


A fun game with a cool mechanic that makes every second count! A bit stressful or confusing at times, but nonetheless fun, Minit is a relatively short game with even shorter gameplay loops that kept me glued to the screen for the entirety of it! Loved it.

SO MUCH FUN!! I love Picross and this game mixes that with Ace Attorney-style visual novel elements, which is rught up my alley!! Felt a bit short but it really is very good. The characters are all very memorable, the dialogue is very well done and the stories are all so well thought-out! This game felt tailor-made for me. Amazing!!!

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Not nearly as bad as people say.

If you cannot play the original Majora (or, dare I say, even if you can), this is definitely the way to experience Termina. The amount of Quality of Life changes this remake brings to the table is not to be understated.

Apart from the apparent graphical update, which brings these areas to life in a way you would not have expected, this game is way more accessible than the original N64 one.

Personally, I couldn't care less to the changes made to the Deku or the Zora. Ddid they feel weird at the start? Yeah, but they became manageable. Certainly not as "game-ruining" as I've seen some people say.

Apart from all the virtues I could say about this game, most of which also apply to the original game itself, this is one of my favorite Zelda games I've ever played. Absolutely recommended.

Look, I stand by my entire review for the original Diamond. This game literally copy-pastes the code for that game and, while solving some issues like the speed or the Pokémon distribution... kinda, it still has many of the problems the originals had.
The only changes (Ramanas Park, Underground, Fairy type, Contests) are not nearly enough to make this a worthy remake.

Overall, the only reason to play this game is if you have not played the original Diamond and Pearl, want to try out Sinnoh and you cannot get your hands on Platinum. Which is very fair. Playing this game is better than playing Diamond and Pearl, but as remakes, it pales in comparison to literally every single other Pokémon remake (FRLG, HGSS, ORAS). A desperate cash grab that did not work nearly as intended and made everyone mad.

It's just so much fun to play people's courses, some of them are so creative!! I'm in no way a master platformer, but it's still so much fun!

I usually play this game with friends, and it's so fun! The amount of available stages, the expansive roster and the variety of rules make for a very entertaining friendly competition game.

Playing alone does not have the same charm, though, and I do get tired quickly if there's nobody with me. Otherwise, a truly great party or get-together game! I know nothing about the competitive side and I am happier this way.

A great Zelda game that will leave you with a sense of wonder. Nothing compares to playing this game for the first time, running through the Great Plateau and learning everything you need to learn to be able to survive out in the world.

The vast world of Hyrule is a delight to explore, even if it's just for the very first time, and though it might feel empty at times once you've seen everything there's still the many shrines to do.

The temples, while not as long or difficult as previous Zelda dungeons, have an interesting concept that brings a breath of fresh air to the series. The enemy types could have had more variation, but for such an expansive world maybe it's fine enough.

Overall, an immaculate first experience that, while dwindling on replays, certainly does not loses its charm.

This game is actually really good when you don't have a bitch in your ear telling you it sucks.

Seriously though, this masterpiece in storytelling is one of the best games I have ever played. It is possibly my second favorite numbered Xenoblade game (over 1 and under 3), and that says a lot. Honestly I don't have the energy to write a full review defending this game, just be aware that it really is not the absolutely horrible shit people will say it is. Many reasons to love this game, and playing it to the end at least once will make you understand why.

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A very solid and entertaining title that falls just a bit short of perfect.

The day after I picked up this game, I spent almost thirty-six hours straight playing it. It was so much fun! The gameplay loop is addicting, completing the Pokédex was FUN! Then I almost passed out so I went to bed and kept on playing the next day, haha.

This game has many great things, for example, the Pokémon roster, while not as expansive as recent games, feels somehow just perfect enough for this type of game. The characters are all incredibly charming, even if we know them from past titles (please let Ingo go back home??). The method of capturing Pokémon is so much fun and there are SO many ways for it to go wrong...!

It has a good story, even if it does feel a bit too... colonialist at times. It's quite solid and filled with a sort of quiet existential dread that feels even religious at times. The post-game, with Volo's entire quest, exacerbates this even more if possible,

The only problem I have with this game is that some areas do feel a bit too empty, and once you've explored most of the areas it all feels kind of small and samey. Other than that, this game is a BLAST to play and an absolute recommendation for anyone who likes Pokémon but is tired of the original formula!

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Look, this game is really not as horrible as people make it to be. While it does have flaws, it also has its upsides!

The Wild Area is a bit empty, and it does start to feel small once you get around it once or twice, but the variety of Pokémon does make it feel like a real habitat and not some random place with Pokémon in it.

Some routes and cities have AMAZING design, and the atmosphere is really good, while some others are a bit more lackluster. It does manage to create a distinct identity, though.

The story is a weak point, and it feels a bit strangely rushed at times (kinda reminiscent of XY in that regard), but the characters make up for it. All of them feel unique, even if Hop does seem a bit too mediocre at times, and they're fun to battle!

Speaking of battle, the game's difficulty is not too high I'd say. The real challenges are not in the main campaign, but in the DLCs (the beginning of Game Freak's greedy era was here!) and the 5-star dens. This is a relaxed game with potential to be challenging, which is how most games should be.

The Pokémon roster is great, giving you a lot of possible options very early on, even if some of the new evolution methods are quite... unorthodox.

If I'm totally honest I can't remember much of the pre-DLC pre-postgame story because they invaded my mind once they came out, and most fo what I remember is from there.

The Isle of Armor is OK? I liked the Isle itself, enjoyed exploring it and completing the Pokédex, and Kubfu's storyline was fine I think. The battles against Mustard and Honey were very fun, and the way you could keep upgrading the Dojo was also very cool! The Cram-O-Matic was an addition for gamblers and the Alola forms were a fun throwback!

The Crown Tundra was a great scavenger hunt! Apart from the whole Calyrex storyline, the Swords of Justice were interesting to try and find and the Dynamax Adventures are a very fun way to shiny hunt or just get many different Pokémon! The three birds were also a quirky addition, and Keldeo's conditions for its appearance are certainly strange to find out!

Overall, this game is a fine game with solid DLCs that should have just been for free. Not as horrible as people say but not very good either - just fine!