31 reviews liked by soma_

okay so objectively this game is really bad so it only really deserves a single star but the game has this amazing glitch where when an enemy hits you while youre flying you become invincible and so you can get all up on the boss fights faces' (because their hitboxes dont harm you) and just spam attacks while they stand still (because they wont move if youre not moving) and its absolutely amazing to watch

I'm so happy people made a game about ME clears throat cause who's better am I right? But the real question is why is there no more games about me frowns. For the love of god I beat 20/20/20/20 mode in Five Nights at Freddy's do you guys not remember that?! beats chest like silver back gorilla to assert it's dominate position Fuck you and fuck all you dumb game developers that think they can make something original or good without it BEING ABOUT ME

If not for some better design choices, better framerate, better controls, and a few better levels, this would have been maybe a 9/10. Maybe the Xbox 360 version is that game.

Great humor and characters and some great levels. Great music, the shell of a great game is there.

There are better platformers on this very console and the PSX that came out before this that I feel like this game felt like a few steps backwards.

insanely badass and funny game
The game just oozes charm, has amzing atmosphere, surprisingly has a good amount of variety in weapons and I love Daniel Fortesque so much.
the camera can be a bit wonky sometimes and some of the chalices are annoying to get but man this game is so good

My thoughts on this game are just as inconsistent as the game itself.

I really enjoyed the first half with Akiyama and Saejima (even if some scenes in there are questionable at best), but then it transitions to Tanimura, who feels wildy out of place with the rest of the series and whose part ends with a phenomenally stupid plot twist. Not to mention Kiryu's part feeling a bit unimportant compared to the other 3 (although his final chapter was certainly a sequence of events).

After all that, we end off with what starts off as a cool finale, until you get to the end, where you face off with what is definitely the worst fight in the series and probably one of the single worst final boss fights I've ever experienced in every way that matters.

Overall, as it stands, it is a letdown. It has such good setup, only to drop the ball hard with the payoff.

I've tried this game multiple times even including the first beta that came out like 6 years ago but this game has no substance at all and its hard to play for an hour without getting bored out of your mind.

Theres pretty much no story, the gunplay is terrible and the side quests are just fetch quests to justify you walking through the empty world. Its sad the world has a lot of cool detailed areas but nothing to do in them aside from shooting the same exact set of enemies over and over again or
clicking on something random to finish a quest. coudnt use half of the weapons i got either due to the terrible level system. worst of all the coop system barely works instead of sharing quests in your party everyone has to do them individually if they want all of the rewards for beating it, it just ends being you watching your other team members do the same thing you just did.

just frustrating as this could have been a decent experience

Hate to say it but this was a disappointment.

If this game ended halfway through, after a certain epic fight, I would be like 'oh fuck yea, amazing game, 9/10, loved it!'

But when you enter the Aethersphere and everything after, the whole 50% of my playtime being that final act, it sucked. Shitty areas, story (which is honestly not that good) comes to a standstill, enemies become annoying to fight, random big bad enters the fray. It blows.

Up until then I loved it. The music is fantastic, arc is beautiful, and the 2d sprites in and out of combat are some of the best I've ever seen. Loved the characters, though some of the later ones barely get any development, and Mary barely gets screentime in the 2nd half of the game, despite being an early join. Also most of the early game you're chasing the antagonist that I barely ever felt we are supposed to have any motivation to dislike. I kept asking 'who is he again? We haven't seen him in a while'

I loved the combat up until that halfway point, though some fights near the end are great and not all the fights are annoying there either.

Was hyped to play this, but 17 of my 36 hours playing this were not that fun, so 6/10. The original was like this too, tbh, so good on them for an accurate enough remake.

amazing game, the addition of nemesis chasing you is great and works really well with RE gameplay and the gameplay and movement itself is so smooth in this game. not the biggest fan of how its more focused on combat compared to 1/2 but its still pretty fun.

Just a complete downgrade over the original, I played this before the og and I knew something felt off about this game and playing through the OG proved I was right.
People always talk about the clock tower section but i didn't realize just how much stuff was cut especially all the cool moments in the original where you get a choice that makes scenes play out differently
Im still shocked at how capcom took an already short game, cut out like 30% and thought it would be alright to release it like that. If you bought this at full price you were scammed

It's crazy, I initially liked this game.

The first 3 stages were a solid NES platformer with decent graphics and maybe a little bit of an annoyance but not too bad. That annoyance being the fact that there is zero recovery time when you get hit.

Goddamn this shit went from like a 6 or 7 out of 10 to like a 1/10 when I got to the water level. You absolutely have to play this shit to believe it. It is insanity. The buttons get reversed underwater for no reason, there are fucking tons of bubbles being shot at you with zero way to fight back, you have to dodge a ton of shit that sucks you in and do it with your limited air.

I managed to beat the level then the rest of the game but that blight soured my entire fun with this game. Really disappointed with this one especially with how much I enjoyed it initially.