dying is really fun in this game

Found it randomly on a game store and decided to give it a try. Played 10 minutes and gave up, left on the back of a drawer for 2 whole years until I decided to try it again out of boredom in 2017. And holy shit, I couldn't believe what I was missing. It's obviously flawed, but still super fun and one of my favorite games ever. Really can't wait to have my heart broken by Solas again on Dreadwolf <3

boring and cliche but it features a hot therapist so it's ok ig

I was around 4 years old when I watched my uncle play this so I don't remember much about it but oh my god do I remember the sheer horror I felt

I still cry at the end of this. Can't believe that was the end, no more commander, no more zevran, wynne, sten, oghren... I really hope to see most of them again :(

power of blood is the rawest shit ever absolutely the best skills in the game

bringing loghain and wynne to ostagar was so much fun they had very lovely and civil banter <3 also if you forget to cure the dog at the beginning of the game he is still there waiting for you which is both great and really sad if you think about it

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i know it's a demon but i will never kill a kitten just to save a kid

i really can't with the drawings they're so funny

A really good game, the story, the protagonist, the side characters, the bosses, everything is really amazing. But man, it was painfull doing the side quests because of the reused maps for every. single. dungeon. It gets so tiring after a while to look at the same thing over and over again.

Also let me romance Varric you cowards

i wish i could have banged miraak

unplayable without the expansions and tons of mods lol