Oh No! Another Top 10 List?!

You're judging me...

just even thinking about this game, the overworld theme plays in my head. Might be a perfect open world game. the classes, the upgrades, the combat, the missions, everything is a masterclass. Every single person in this town feels real in a way that I don't think can be replicated again.
No More Heroes
No More Heroes
"lemme guess, you made your personality this for 2 semesters?"

This and Scott Pilgrim made me a simp fr. But in all seriousness, I got this game because my 360 got the RROD, and I didn't replace it until like 2011. So for the time being I was a Wii Kid. Searching for anything "Mature" on the wii was either this or MadWorld. The style was so peak anime at the time when I imagined everything as an anime unironically.

I love this game.
You could put so much here and honestly why I made this list in the first place. This spot is like a rotating door, It could be anything honestly.
Pokemon Ruby
Baldurs Gate 3
Musashi Samurai Legends
Xanadu Next
Dark Souls
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Civ 5
Samurai Warriors 2
Infamous Second Son
Silent Hill
Spider-Man Miles Morales
Dragon's Dogma
Katamari Damacy
Bust A Groove
Bust A Groove
Honestly. Britney's Dance Beat should be in this spot, but I can't help but love this game. The style, the music, its perfect. Now that I got the Steam Deck, I just play this randomly throughout the day just doing a quick arcade run.


Def Jam: Fight for NY
Def Jam: Fight for NY
I don't really replay this game as much as I should, and I think that's because everytime I do, I beat the entire game in one sitting. It's unhealthy honestly. Another cornerstone games that I played nonstop as a kid. It was either this or Sonic on repeat.


DJ Hero 2
DJ Hero 2
I have to credit this game for pulling me out of my shell as a human. My mom bought me some shitty turntables because she was sick of hearing me play this game, and that lead me to making music and befriending lifelong friends. lowkey wouldn't have found my spouse without this game if we're going by the domino effect.


Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Peak. Goat. Raw. Like you can't tell me otherwise that this isn't the best video game ever made. Its a video game ass video game. you play as a 12 year old fox in a mech fighting a guy that blows up half the moon. YOU GO FAST.

I am Aquatic Mine in human form for a reason. I literally replay one of the story modes at least once a week without fail. If I wasn't such a bum I'd speedrun this game.


The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
While OOT and MM was my dad's zelda. This was mine. Getting this game as a Christmas gift changed my perspective of games. This and Pokemon Colosseum taught me how to read. I remember asking my parents what to do because I was stuck, and they would tell me to read. "Just like you asked me, ask the people in the game and read out loud what they say" and they helped me sound it out and comprehend it. Even in later years on replays, I still would stay up all night sailing the oceans doing random mundane task to get a heart piece or whatever the fuck.

I credit it for opening me up to escapism...and reading.


I'm breaking the seal. G1-5 Mabinogi was peak gaming to me. It really lived up to its name of a Fantasy Life. I don't really like the new style and powercreep that's destroyed the game. I just liked going into random dungeons with the homies and it really feeling like a challenge. I liked sitting outside fishing with randoms to sell the fish to cooks for quick gold. I liked playing random midi songs for passerbyers. Sometimes simple is all you need, but simple don't last.


Persona 3 FES
Persona 3 FES
This kinda feels obligatory here. I felt like such a patrician when I found this game back in the day. I remember watching folks on Justin.TV stream Persona 4 and learning about the rest of the SMT games. When I play it, it's something about the overall vibe that makes me no life it for 2 weeks straight.


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