Pretty decent overall.
King's Fall is great.
Kind of got a sour taste in my mouth though after D2 shat all over everything good about D1 including this expansion.

eh i cannot be assed with ayesha gameplay

this game is so bad i couldnt even stomach it as a kid
the OST still kinda bangs though like most sonic games that came out during this era

An absolutely wild ride, paced much better than the first VN

I kinda prefer this over Dark Souls 1 just because of all of the additions to the combat, and because the experience is more consistent on the whole (has a lot less of the low-lows that Dark Souls 1 has, but its highs don't hit NEARLY as hard)

This and Dark Souls/Dark Souls: Remastered are ABSOLUTE must plays. We don't talk about DS2.

This rating is for Golden Deer, as that's the only route I played.
Pre-timeskip is pretty okay. Plot is poo-poo but the general gameplay loop is fine.
Post-timeskip goes to shit, the most boring segment I've played in a game in a while. Also has really shit maps in the lategame.

About as good as Yakuza 3.
That is to say, it's a pretty decent game but woefully subpar in comparison with the rest of the modern Yakuza franchise.

This game is great but it doesn't really do anything particularly special
It's just a solid Mario Kart experience and not much more than that
I did get a good 1000 or so hours in it as a kid though

I played this on DS as a kid and never finished it
I wonder why.

It's okay. It was cool at first but got immensely tiring fast.
It doesn't help that it's far from a good party game considering that, if you queue with friends and, for example, one of them gets knocked out Round 1, they have to wait the ENTIRE game to play again. That's barely a party multiplayer experience imho.

The game has some neat ideas though.

The -0.5 stars is for the PC port performance, even on version 1.04 it's very shoddy at times but at least it's playable now!

That being said, what the fuck man
I'm genuinely looking for things to complain about with this game
The job system is fantastic, the combat is fantastic, the story wasn't anything special at first but it eventually became raw as fuck. Man.

What a game