my only source of exercise as a kid

It's like if you took the gameplay padding and interruptions from a standard AAA release and mixed it with really bad JRPG pacing

The first thing I will ever, wholly unironically, give a 5/5

Probably the single most enjoyable piece of fiction I've ever witnessed

It was all worth it, all the 370 - 380 or so hours that came before it (I played a new job each expac) and the
60 or so hours this expac took to beat

6.1 through 6.4 fucking sucked this game is ass

Damn, this game went way harder than it had any right to. Apart from a few moments where the side content structure became pretty obnoxious, this is probably pretty peak as far as modern JRPGs go

fiction peaked so hard that i'm left speechless
probably has one of the best villains in the entire RGG franchise, up there with Yakuza 2

Unironically, super peak game. Idk whether I think this is GOTY or Hi-Fi Rush but either way fuck me dude everything about this game impressed me

Fucking incredible

I don't like saying this but I actually kinda love this game despite how janky it is
it has soul
(don't play the PS2 version though)

God I do not fucking care I'm so bored

the only thing that's actually good about this game is the visuals

the base combat is awesome, but everything around it is genuinely awful, i.e. loot, how repetitive the game gets quickly and most importantly the horrid level design

no seriously this is even worse levels of "i just wanna make you suffer" than dark souls 2

the PC optimisation is..... questionable as well, but at least it's not as bad as Stranger of Paradise (that is to say, it's playable)

It's... okay? Has some absolutely asinine design decisions and there is literally only one or two good bosses in the entire game but I suppose it was charming enough to be worth my time

Aged like already-expired milk

Now that I've actually played Kingdom Sharts I'll have to start telling people that my name is NOT a KH reference

In hindsight this wasn't that good

if Rean was the key to all my possible futures I'd fucking kill myself!!!!