Fantastic main story, in fact probably one of the best RGG stories, but the side content left something to be desired imho, but the story was so fucking good that it still gets a high rating from me


It's alright but the gameplay was really grating on me even compared to the likes of Persona 3, I like a decent portion of the cast though

You can tell a lot of people had a lot of fun making this game and I admire that
They coulda sold this game for double the price and I'd still consider it more than worth it

Verdict: they cooked

This game feels like the bad amalgamation of a studio with way too many ideas but no idea how to execute on any of them well, so everything is just spread thin. Not to mention that Sonic is stiff as hell in this game, especially when you jump.

Moreover, this game has the same issue as most open world games seem to in that the open world, or in this case open areas, is a bona-fide checklist for progression, stat increases, etcetera. I would at least be able to stand this if the world at least looked nice, but the world itself has barely any polish, and is largely barren (especially after the first island!). Island design is also extremely questionable in the third island which is where I dropped the game lol.

If there's anything in this game I can say that I appreciate, it's the direction they decided to take the story in: the writing style this time around feels more anime-esque(?) which is something I think works pretty well for Sonic actually, and I think it could be cool if the series kept going in this direction in the future.

Honestly, I couldn't even bring myself to appreciate the Cyberspace levels because they are rehashed level design from previous games, which COULD be fun if Sonic actually controlled well. I'd much rather just play these levels in their original context where they're fun.

I cannae be arsed to write any more for this, so I'm just gonna say this game majorly disappointed me, especially given that Sonic Team had a LOT of time to develop it, with a longer development cycle than other Sonic games. Sonic Team is better at making Puyo Puyo games lol

Literally the most boring Danganronpa game by a long shot
This game has 2 good trials and those are 1 and 5
The rest is hot garbage


Story and music bang, but I'm not a big fan of SRPGs

For an SRPG fan though, this is probably an absolute must play

This game is addictive as fuck
Also almost everyone in this game is a terrible person

Thank you, SomeCallMeJohnny, for your brief explanation of what happens in this game in your video from 2017.

I cannot be FUCKED with this game

Honestly this game is okay but I hate like half of the chapters for their awful level design and QTEs
Probably also has one of the most frustrating final bosses I've faced in any action game for all the wrong reasons

The 2 stars are for the (unfortunately poorly utilised) VERY solid mechanics

This game is a fucking snorefest literally the only thing that I like about it is the soundtrack