This game is a fucking snorefest literally the only thing that I like about it is the soundtrack

Peak fiction. Zenith of the medium. Yuji Naka's magnum opus.

This game got me my first noise complaint ever because I was sobbing so hard.

Way too fucking long, but going through Persona 5 for the 3.5rd time was surprisingly worth it for 3rd semester, too bad the rest of the game is nowhere near as raw as the Royal content

Story and music bang, but I'm not a big fan of SRPGs

For an SRPG fan though, this is probably an absolute must play

I didn't play enough of this game so I'm not gonna rate it

HOLY FUCK this is literally the most snore-worthy JRPG I've ever had the displeasure of trying I couldn't even get through chapter 2
Good if you like "trashy" popcorn entertainment high school JRPGs though probably but I've long been out of that phase

Thank you, SomeCallMeJohnny, for your brief explanation of what happens in this game in your video from 2017.

I cannot be FUCKED with this game

the boss fights are on par with sex

I'm like that Jack guy from that FF spinoff game but replace Chaos with Futaba Sakura

Best Fromsoft game by a landslide

A wholesome story about family and bonds, rated E for Everyone


The only thing worse than Sen 3 is Sen 4

probably one of the games of all time

holy fuck this game is boring as shit