It's very... up and down. It honestly has some of my favourite dungeons and trials but the story content is largely, well.. kinda plain? There's a couple points in the story I really like but that's largely it (main patch)

Great game if you:
1) Install the OST mod, the base OST for this game is largely atrocious (thanks Mitsuo Singa). RIP PS4/5 and Switch players in this regard.

2) Don't go for the achievements. Falcom missable content is pure AIDS and you will regret it. It's also just far grindier than it needs to be.

it's okay
inoffensively "meh"

I would rate this higher if the endgame zones weren't really cringe
Also I've only gone for ending B, I would go for C but I've been burnt out by the aforementioned endgame zones

Good game though, I just can't find myself caring that much personally

The only thing worse than Sen 3 is Sen 4

Neat idea, falls majorly short due to the lack of song selection, generally lackluster generic EDM music, lack of modding support and it doesn't commit very hard to being a rhythm game, not really punishing you for not shooting on rhythm

MAN this game never fucking ends
much better than y3 and 4 though

Honestly the sense of progression this one is unrivalled, excellent game on all fronts

A wholesome story about family and bonds, rated E for Everyone

I'm like that Jack guy from that FF spinoff game but replace Chaos with Futaba Sakura

Incredibly atmospheric and probably the best use of difficulty in a game to-date. Has incredibly high highs but I'll be honest in that the lows are.... not great (see Lost Izalith and Blighttown)

holy fuck this game is boring as shit

I can see why this was so beloved at the time of release but, by today's standards, there's a lot better JRPGs. Especially around the PS2 era.
Pacing is pretty terrible, combat is fine if you use the speed-up in the modern releases of the game, I don't feel like any of the characters are particularly fleshed out apart from Barrett. Never finished it but I may pick it back up eventually.

Great characters, art, and music, but it's a bit heavy on the exposition.
Seems to be setting the scene for a long running series, but since we haven't got milestone two side:below yet we can't know for certain lol