Honestly, would be a lot lower of WotM wasn't a fantastic raid. Best D1 raid imho.

A literal fucking embarassment to the Destiny franchise. The worst one at that. Single worst piece of content I've ever played for any game. The year 3 seasons only made it worse. Shit game.


VERY good roguelite, and I'm not really even a fan of the genre but I have had an amazing time with this one

I do wanna see more interesting perks for each weapon's Zagreus aspect though, because the majority of them just aren't that fun to use, and the sword one specifically is just very weak compared to everything else

Honestly, despite all the updates this game has had, it feels like it has a similar issue to Warframe where new features get added without directly addressing the main gameplay loop enough, so it just gets tiring to play really fast especially with a fuck ton of relatively disconnected gameplay aspects

Earlygame portion desperately needs rebalancing or restructured into the midgame. Endgame portion is fantastic. I really don't know what they were thinking balancing the earlygame section to feel like the midgame, because that just doesn't feel particularly good to play, especially at 4/5BC

Pretty good game, but the lobby system and the fact that the Tower is utterly terrible holds it back, as well as how long it takes to even get into a game from booting up the game


An absolutely wild ride, paced much better than the first VN

I kinda prefer this over Dark Souls 1 just because of all of the additions to the combat, and because the experience is more consistent on the whole (has a lot less of the low-lows that Dark Souls 1 has, but its highs don't hit NEARLY as hard)

This and Dark Souls/Dark Souls: Remastered are ABSOLUTE must plays. We don't talk about DS2.

See this game's alright until you play it for 6 years
Then it becomes shit
Fuck you Epic

About as good as Yakuza 3.
That is to say, it's a pretty decent game but woefully subpar in comparison with the rest of the modern Yakuza franchise.

I played this on DS as a kid and never finished it
I wonder why.

It's okay. It was cool at first but got immensely tiring fast.
It doesn't help that it's far from a good party game considering that, if you queue with friends and, for example, one of them gets knocked out Round 1, they have to wait the ENTIRE game to play again. That's barely a party multiplayer experience imho.

The game has some neat ideas though.