pretty fun game, good OST, controls well, my main gripe honestly is just how arbritary getting some of the waddle dees is so I ain't gonna be replaying levels to get them lmao

An absolutely wild ride, paced much better than the first VN

Pretty solid improvement over 2016 in a lot of ways gameplay wise, but I feel as though the story presentation is a step down as a bigger focus is placed on it this time round, whilst expecting you to read the codex entries to understand what's going on

I dropped this because of a crashing problem at a specific point that I couldn't fix, but I'll give a few thoughts anyway:

Spiderman is the most annoying character known to man this game goes HARD on mute

The web-swinging and combat are actually decently cool, even if the latter is actually pretty mindless and you really don't need to use 99% of the tools the game gives you

The progression systems are largely, honestly, just mediocre. It's basically just generic AAA open world progression system stuff: an unneeded experience points system, upgrades that require you to complete Ubisoft-tier open world side content (of which open world is basically just a Ubisoft checklist of extra, mostly boring content)

Game is really pretty and the visual direction is... decent, the remaster did a lot for the graphics as a whole

I likely probably would've finished this if not for the aforementioned crashing issue (among some other PC port issues like having to turn off SMT to get maximum performance from the game) and I might end up finishing it later down the line if I can actually get my hands on the game and patches.

Honestly, this game grew on me a lot during my playtime with it, even now I'm still not a huge fan of the over the shoulder perspective and a lot of the stat and power progression but the writing, set pieces, lore, and exploration are pretty fucking good

eh i cannot be assed with ayesha gameplay

What the fuck I have chronic depression now

My favourite Mario Kart game
Got some of the worst item balance though

This game is great but it doesn't really do anything particularly special
It's just a solid Mario Kart experience and not much more than that
I did get a good 1000 or so hours in it as a kid though

the worse wii fit plus lmfao

some of the minigames in this one scared me as a kid for some reason

i dont even remember anything from this one except vaguely enjoying it but i thought it was boring otherwise