It's been a while since I've played video games in general. Honestly was spurred to play as a friend had gifted me a copy.
So I boot it up looking to try it out, took me a minute to get used to the controls, not that they were complicated, but that they were so simple, you know? And next thing I know I 100 percent cleared this game over the course of two days.

There are some high points that I will mention that don't include style/presentation as it is very clear where the visuals/audio takes it's cues from and if you like Jet Set Radio, you'll enjoy the vibes coming from this. Simple as that.

One of those points is how simple the controls are, which make it a very easy game to just enjoy, you know? You don't have to fret over nailing combo inputs or different variations of moves depending on how long you hold the buttons, you just gotta worry about 6 buttons, Boost, Slide, X & Y tricks, going on/off your ride, and whatever you mapped jump to.

The above point makes it so the only thing you have to really keep in mind playing through stages is just chaining together rails, half pipes, and wall rides as best you can rather than aiming for mechanical mastery.

I appreciate another aspect of the game, the levels themselves are great fun to explore and try to figure out new lines to go through and push your combo multiplier further and further. I think my personal favorite segment of the game is the Millenium Mall. I loved chain grinding over the suspended fish and boosting down the escalators as I just kept trying to push my score further. Great fun!

The story that accompanies this game is also fun, I won't go into spoilers but I will say it takes maybe rewatching a cutscene to piece together what's happening in regards to the main character "Red".

Some points against this game I must point out are with the way the music playlist will reset when you enter new areas, which is jarring. Another point against this game is while the game does let you travel faster with boosting on corners/going on wall rides, and other tricks, the game will feel like it's yanking the chain on your momentum as you're trying to just push it as far as you can. That's a way the game is a bit restrictive. It feels like it's being held back in the base game, in regards to the speeds you can achieve.

Another point against this game is while I do enjoy running from the cops as you spray more graffiti over levels, they are absolute chores to actually fight. I just run from em or change in the bathroom stalls, combat is asscheeks in this game.

Those are a few or my more loose, somewhat expounded thoughts on this game. Honestly wanted to mark it in such high regards because...I kind of want to play new games again.

If you take a look at my library you'll notice alot of my games are from the 2000s/maybe 2010s if they're continuations of series I have deep personal connections to.

This game reminded me to not only give new games a chance, but to just try and enjoy new things in general.

Also my favorite track in this game is Condensed Milk, thank you for reading, and thanks BRC for...getting me out of my rut.

Free my friends from the clutches of this game, I am begging you, GOD!!!

This game is contorted to unrecognizable shapes and cacophony of sounds with the one hundred mods that my friends have installed on Lethal Company.

I dare propose, is a game truly fun if you have to add so many supplementary mods for the game to hold up on it's own?

Undertale 2 is a game that feels like a group of friends took turns suggesting goofy ideas for the dev to put in and they didn't turn down a single one.

The presentation of UnderTale 2 is similar to An Untitled Story. It shares the same jagged pixelated line style as Untitled Story, because everything looking like it was pulled out of early 2000s MS Paint. Most likely the game was probably made in GIMP/photoshop with the smoothing turned off, which is how Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff did those comics back in the day.

It achieves an eclectic presentation on the visuals, characters are drawn in various styles, but most of them are cute or at least charmingly goofy. It's also got a presentation I could describe as "eh fuck it" some characters for the sake of a joke will feature very scratchy outlines, some of their colors won't be filled in, it is worth a laugh. I enjoyed the visuals as everyone looked silly and that's something I as a deeply depressed person needed.

So you load up the game, it looking like a sprite comic made by a person with too much unfettered access to the internet as a child (like the rest of us) and you hear the soundtrack, 90 percent of the track listings are Mario Paint covers of classic video game tracks, along with various TV show themes like The Simpsons. There are some original tracks featured in the game, specifically the "Relaxation Beach" where you go to fight optional characters that are much more difficult than the standard enemy fare.

So you hear all of the cats meowing and horns blaring familiar tunes and maybe you've already turned off the game due to the game's visuals, but if you went through you'll find a very standard RPG maker game, but there's a few flourishes the creator of the game put in for spice!

For one, to distinct itself from it's parody source, Undertale 2 is a game where you battle, and you battle to win. There are a few instances where you can bore the enemy, talk them out of battling, but this is a trap. You will get to the bosses of the game and they will NOT yield. You will have to fight them, and you have to have attained enough xp to tank them.

Along with the focus on fighting rather than sparing, there's a fishing mini game that despite how simple they made it sound in the tutorial, my line kept snapping so I gave up with fishing. This RPG Maker free game also has different instances where the game will pop up a cutscene, or a cutaway bit of gameplay for another character that joins your party. Many instances of strange inclusions and cutaways, sometimes when you're just in the middle of walking across the screen.

Oh how could I have forgotten recapping the story! Oh silly me! The story is a human that isn't Frisk falls down into Undertale 2 where everything is a parody of Undertale 2 and as many references you can cram in there (some very obvious references are Touhou, Hatsune Miku, The Simpsons, and Travis Touchdown is in the game and is one of the hardest bosses in the game, so I give an extra half star for that easy.) You're trying to...uh...alright I finished the game early in the morning instead of sleeping and I still don't remember the actual initial point of the game's rambling journey.

Let me try to go back to looking at the game play: it's RPG maker with very basic turn based combat, but there's different interactions you can achieve by using moves on your own party members, unlocking new attacks to choose from! That part of the game play is for sure the most noteworthy, as early game before you unlock the cooperation moves, you're generally mashing whatever the Action button you mapped is on your keyboard until you get to...Somewhere around the Toriel's Archives.

I enjoyed this game, it had some cute art, some jokes were funny, had my man Travis Touchdown beat my ass for about an hour, but it does wear out it's welcome after the point you suck yourself in to "I have to finish this game now" mindset.

Anyhoo, it's free, and really despite how much I tried to touch on aspects of the game (visuals, sounds, gameplay, humor) you'll know whether or not you'll enjoy it by looking at the cover of the thing.

I did enjoy it, can't wait for Undertale 3: The Quest for some Devil May Cry cameos! Hopefully should the dev come back to this silly parody game, they work to shave off some of the bloat as not every idea from your friends in discord need to be included in your game! You can always put some of those ideas in the sequel!

Sucking a log of shit like a dick.

This texture pack makes the game look as good as you thought it did if you grew up young playing this back in the 2000s!

A full decade of love and care was put into actually sourcing textures across Spain by Albert Marin and Cris Morales!

I myself started following this project from it's 2011-2012 inception, and it being brought to fruition in 2022 was worth celebrating!

I'm surprised that backloggd included it within their materials for review, as it is a texture mod but honestly, RE4HD Project deserves recognition.

The Steam release for this refuses to get past the tutorial for me, actually unfathomable that this is still being sold. Deep Silver are hack frauds and whoever they enlisted to port this to PC were grossly ill equipped for this game.

This game is a psyop, let's talk that real shit:
AJ Styles ROH Theme Demi-Gods (feat. Slim Jim) by Lab Ratz

This shit makes Suda51 directed games look approachable.

Maddy really went for the heart when creating the soundtrack for this game.

I may have had more difficulty playing Maddy's later more famous work (Celeste) but despite this game having much floatier movement/less options for player expression, I prefer this game over Celeste.

The visual style of the game being almost entirely composed in MSPaint with jagged lines, very bright colors with very chunky simple shading makes me feel like I'm playing through a children's book.

I also truly enjoyed the little bits of story that are in the game, starting out as an egg, hatching from the egg after climbing through various pits of platform shenanigans is a triumphant moment.

There are other birds, mostly in a little village totally isolated from the wide world map, by forces of evil overwhelming, but there is one brave little bird on the beach shoreline. It's a very cute moment to contrast the sad melancholy vibes of the bird village, where they're trapped there.

I struggle to really write about this game as it's hard to convey exactly how it resonates with me as this was one of the earliest "Online indy" games I ever played.

It's important, may not quite be in my pantheon of favorite games, but it's a game worth respect, and worth giving a try.
You may get more out of this game than you'd expect to.

Harman, the size of the world has changed. It's changed to the size where you can control it with your hands, just like a PDA. The world will keep getting smaller.

Of all that has changed in my life, of all the opinions I have held that have changed and been cast down the river, Killer7 is a constant in my life.

This game is so much of my id as a human being, it pushes me to look through and look toward more art.

Learn their works, learn their struggles, even their shortcomings and moral failings.

Harman, the world won't change. All it does is turn. Now, let's dance.

Plenty of good Sonic games to choose from for history's sake but...everyone's said it before but it is nevertheless worthwhile saying: The extras menu for this collection is one of the most beautiful selections put together by Sonic Team/SEGA.

Going through so much concept art, designs for characters used in press releases is so fascinating to see what they changed for Sonic and all the other characters as the years went by, along with insight from Sonic Team themselves is genuinely enlightening as someone that loves seeing the people behind the games maybe more than the games themselves.

This collection also offers many comic book covers and even some entire comic books from the then long running "Archie" comic series. Flipping through, seeing the wildly varying artstyles, being able to really zoom in and take in every detail...all the while the most beguiling melody ever put in a video game is playing

You feel like all the emotions, the peaks and valleys you've went through, flood your mind and tug on your heartstrings. This Extras section is a wonderful little museum, going back and forth from playing the games to mulling over the concept arts/the character reference sheets/the Archie comics just brings back that childlike curiosity in me.

Thank you Sonic Team for putting this together, I know that you have gotten a lot of flak...even I've given you that flak...but you view Sonic as more than just a Mascot for a big game publishing entity, you view him as the rings of a tree stump, showing how you began, and how far you've come, and how much further you can go.

I wish Sonic Team all the best. I wish you the best for reading through this (probably overly) sentimental review/look back.

Free Palestine, fuck Neil Druckmann and fuck the games industry for making game developers squander their lives in pursuit of realistic depictions of unfathomable cruelties.

Edit: This review was written from just aimless anger at a foolish man that is just one cog of support for this cruel machine, while it felt good, it's better to help the people there now. Please consider using this link and support humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip.

We have work to do.

Custom Robo is a tightly knit little game with great music, impressive visuals, simple controls, and story-wise very entertaining and hilarious dialogue.

Also a twist/reveal that is wonderfully unexpected...then the game does it again!

High recommend, but I advise against marathon running the game. It's robo combat while fun and stimulating, can get repetitive. Take the game in chunks.

It's like OG Playstation 2 Gitaroo Man but waaaaaaaaaaay more forgiving which is good for people that may not have the dexterity demanded from the original, and that means more people may look up playing this wonderful game!

Wonderful accompanying music, rhythm mechanics that still demand you pay attention, the visuals have so much going on with great character designs that will remind you of when you would doodle made up characters in your lined notebook during classes in Elementary school.

A story about growing up, unlocking your imagination, and the importance of dreams. Even if there are dreams that are out of reach, there are dreams that will light your way forward.

This is genuinely a life affirming game.




walk away...