I understand why some don't like it, it's kind of difficult to see the appeal in. I guess a lot of retro is that way. Really awesome in terms of history, crazy that it fit on the gameboy.

Last pokemon game I played as a kid before quitting. It wasn't quite as good as the others, but it was the last pokemon game i can remember the music being decent in.

Its an interesting concept, and its actually pretty well executed, but its hard to feel the effects of the idea? I think the amount of fun in the mechanic was probably not worth the amount of work that went into making it. Which kind of sucks cause Jonas seems like a really talented guy, I wanna see what he ends up doing after this.

Undoubtedly an unforgettable game, I just got busy and couldn't finish it. also gets a little grindy, but thats how it is. Timing mechanic helped to make the battles a little more interesting, but that wore off pretty quick.

Honestly? Its one of the lower tier zelda games. but its one of the first video games i ever played and now im a huge zelda fan so i love it.

Its unbelievably well written, illustrated, and composed for the time and tools. Only frustration was a bit of grindiness, but thats just the way rpgs were in the time, and chrono trigger isn't actually even too bad in that respect.

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Given the core concept, there was no way it was going to be a well reviewed game. But it has a really good message, and its very well made. It's really a shame that not everyone has the time to experience it. It can be kinda easy to forget about it and just come back when everythings over, but I think that's part of it. I have a lot more to say about it eventually.

It might not appeal to everyone but the impact it had on indie games is unreal. No Yume Nikki means no undertale, no omori, no lisa, list goes on. At least, not in the way that we know them.

I want to give it 5 but its so grindy man... seriously i fucking love this game its just too damn long

HOLLY FUCKING SHIIIIIIITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very well done "remake". Good example of a reuse of concept, it had its own flavor and appeal, but it also paid respect to the original, not just a pointless remaster

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It's overly long but the narrative structure and the way that its formed to the visual novel format is really clean. It also has a really nice cast. Try to avoid binging it, and don't be too afraid to skip filler, with caution.