Its just devs having fun and being creative and doing things they thought were funny and random. But at the same time it ended up being a pretty competent game!

I love Jims character design and animation, it makes up a lot of the game in itself. Other than that its a somewhat difficult but fun time :)

MY favorite 3D Mario.
Controls feel like slightly better Mario 64
Story is perfect for a Mario game, lighthearted.
They stuck with an aesthetic and absolutely nailed it. No other game makes me feel warm while playing it.
Memorable tracks.
Best HUB world.
Rideable Yoshi.
Fun missions and Memorable connected locations.
Graphics some how look better than future games on Wii.
Fludd makes platforming super fun and clean.
Its great!

F-ZERO GX literally gave me heart palpitations. That's how crazy it is. Its the most competent racing game. So much attention to detail and polish. Though the game doesn't take itself serious with the characters and story...It makes up for with its fast, responsive, and fun gameplay. I love to use the Astro robin, especially after watching the F-ZERO anime :) this game has some killer music as well. Songs like Infinite Blue, Blood Falcons Theme, Shotgun Kiss, ect. Not to mention the game has perfect difficulty. This game is hard AF but it allows beginners to warm up, and is very friendly early on unlike Sonic Riders.

It really does take a step back in terms of gameplay from the first Riders game, but that's all people ever focus on.

Besides the gameplay, SR:ZG does everything else a lot better than the first SR. The courses are way more memorable, The OST is better overall, and the story mode (While nothing amazing) Is more interesting than the first game. The Zero Gravity gimmick is cool but not that impactful. I think its a fine sequel, but I can agree that the gameplay is pretty bland...

Actually a really innovative and swaggy concept for a new racing game. Extreme Gear is such a dope design and makes for exciting gameplay.

This game really is difficult getting into though, and even when you do learn how to play, the story mode CPU's show NO mercy. The game forces you to become a master of the gameplay. But thats what cool about it, if everyone knew how to play at the same high skill level. This turns into one of the most fun games of all time.

I also appreciate the new characters introduced. We like Jet :)

Its a decent sequel. The Snes version is better only because of being able to swap between guns. Other than that its on par with the first game :)

Animal Grossing on Gamecube is a spectacle, so heart warming to play. Villagers we're always awesome to interact with. Something about it just hits...

This is peak Sonic EVERYTHING. Its just not very polished... :P

(Tied with Adventure 2 for my favorite mainline sonic)

This is game is like swaggy Sonic 1. One of the best soundtracks of all time. US sound track is also fire.

Its actually not much better than the first game, new characters dont hit as hard, tracks dont do much better, Though I am in love with Shorty's theme in both languages. While Hiro also has a better song in this game, Its cool but didn't innovate much like Dance Summit would in the next 2 years...

Has some of the best minigames, and best music out of the series. Last game before DK becomes demoted to board NPC...
This game is just slightly better Mario Party 3, the boards are somewhat lacking however ...