I was surprisingly attached to this game while playing, I took me all summer to finish it. Looking back I don't remember or feel much about the game. But I def. can appreciate what It provided for me. Had some great music, story wasn't too confusing, and it was an immersive 99+ hours

Out of the two RPGs I remember (Earthbound and FF7) I think Earthbound takes the cake. I feel like Earthbound is a game I can do multiple playthroughs of... This was my first RPG, played on the Wii U virtual console. I fell in love with everything about this game. Though its not a game I think about often anymore; like FF7, I think its a game everyone should play at least once.

Its just fails in the gameplay department, But I think it has a lot of style and grandeur on the outside. Very ambitious...just very poorly executed. We dont like Elise.

Bust-A-Groove does not have much content, its not the most polished graphically or even gameplay wise. But its very fun and simple, which is the most important thing to me for a video game. The characters have fun designs, the music is fantastic (of course), and the gameplay is actually pretty innovative and challenging for a rhythm game. Its pretty difficult to get the hang of and master. But mastering make everything feel a whole lot better! One last thing to note is that the all of the dance moves look tight af. Its such an underrated gem of a series and I love it just the way it is :)

One of the best multiplayer games in existance, hella fun. It just sucks that online got overun by edgy 9 year olds who only want to sit in their pods or go to stage creator...

Spent so much time in stage creator though...It was all a waste in the end. But man was this game fuuuun yo.

I think this game is really dope...Its short and sweet and jam packed. nothing bad to say about it. really cool music

When I think of this game I feel actually cold.

It was so cool, I think it is on par with Sonic 3 and Knuckles. It had a few rehash stages, and the new stages and music didn't do MUCH for me. It was still really awesome and a fun time :) we need more of this!

I don't know how to feel about this game (its one of my favs of all time). I really just don't know what to say about it...Its just so badass.

The multiplayer mode is underrated, racing as Sonic and Shadow in a 3D Sonic game is peak gameplay. Literally everything I want out of the series.

I finally beat it! Its tight, just difficult. The more skilled you are the more you like it

Its actually really not that good...Imo its worse than 06.

Shadow should've died at the end of SA2 not even kidding.

This mf game...THIS MF GAME... I had so much fun with as a child, it so colorful and expressive and explosive! the gameplay is so crips and smooth for a beat'em up. This game might have the best OST of all time. We love everything Scott Pilgrim. It has my favorite movie too! :)

same thing as with Sonic 06; Though I think the gameplay is a little more focused and solid, its still pretty janky, and the in-game graphic look bloated. I really enjoy this version of Sonic as a character. I had a decent time with this game. We love "Seven Rings in Hand" B)

Actually a perfect idea for a sonic racing game, If they made another one or a HD remake with more stages and revised balanced controls than this could be a really respected game!