I appreciate how vibrant this game is

Ok so i beat the game. I think the games opening does not do the entire game justice and thats why i could never get into it. It's FAR too punishing in its opening areas and I think it could hold a lot of people back. Sword on sword combat is fucking beautifully executed and thats not really given a chance to shine until maybe the first boss. Stealth does not work properly until youve upgraded it enough so trying to stealth your way out of gank fights early on is basically impossible. That being said, once youre past the first boss the game is mesmerizing to beat and LEARN. One thing that will make revisiting other fromsoft games much more difficult is the ability to parry. I was never a fan of the soulsbourne dodge-r1 spam because i was at the mercy of dodge roll i-frames and shitty hitboxes. With the deflect mechanic, I could learn the boss and I could feel myself understanding the game much much more. I will come back to this game many times in the future as its just too damn good.

the guy that made this game is funny

really really well made game. only issue is combat is pretty limited but goddamn is the story good. weird ending tho

if the damn dog moved like it should this game would be good

This was my first season and initally i had NO IDEA what was happening but upon watching the cutscenes again and taking into account the experience, this was cool.

This season was fucking awesome. Both activities were challenging in their own merit, had fantastic secret cards to find, had probably the coolest redesign for a character ive seen in games, and had exceptional art. It is unfortunate that I also have just lost the interest to play this game right now

Um, so for my first formal expansion into destiny it was uhhh. Idk i had a lot of questions and no answers. Missions felt pointless because narratively they were. Music was great tho. Neomuna as a planet is just horribly designed and kind of an eye sore. not the best

this games fucking sick but it suffers from horrible artificial difficulty inspired by SNES games. but its ok because its FUCKIGN SICK

This is a high ass review for this game but its grindy nonesense with zelda. THIS WAS MADE FOR ME

A techincal MESS and a horribly dissapointing narrative

i never got past bowsers stage as a kid but this was awesome