I just rolled credits and am at loss for words. There is no game like this in the medium. There is really nothing like this in any medium of art period. It is a gripping, spiraling narrative that perfectly balances two characters and their insecurities. The gameplay is FRIGHTENING. Each shot matters. Your inventory managements matters. Your flashlight matters. The art design is beyond incredible, specifically the graffiti work in the dark place. I just have so much to say about this game but I cant write it all out without writing a goddamn paper. It, like my favorite game, is one that I'm thankful I am alive to play.

I have spent 100 hours on this game in the month its been out. I am so thankful to have experienced this game. The combat is improved, traversal is more user friendly, the score is even better, story is larger yet remains just as personal, i could go on forever.

Onslaught has been insanely fun and an extremely rewarding activity. Pantheon will be coming out next week and I really cannot wait to do boss gauntlets that seems amazing. All in all a great lead up to TFS

ok i wrote a whole ass review that didnt get saved and i dont feel like rewriting it so heres bullet points.
- bad character creation
- shitty dialogue
- wack ass combat camera
- shitty combat system
- looks pretty and sounds pretty
- Ubisoft ass game

Thank you bye

just got very bland. combat was boring as shit too

I dont care what anyone says this game fucks

fun stealth game, but fairly repetitive

Great story, and some of the most creative level design ive seen in a game

I wish i couldve played this when it first came out. INcredible game

the single greatest roster in any fighting game

POkemon doesnt get better than this