was good when i was younger, looking back it is godawful

played this like 4 years so cant remember if its good or not but i like lego games so ill give it 3 stars

very cute game
the part of the vaati fight where you have to hit the orbs back into his eyes made me want to kms cause they would always get knocked back at an angle instead of going into his eyes

great puzzles that arent too hard but still make you feel smart when you solve them

love warriors and love zelda

love warriors gameplay and love breath of the wild, and they pulled the mix off quite well. despite the occasional frame drop, the playstyle with the different characters and weapons is just great. while its not the actual prequel to botw, i actually liked that it deviated from the og timeline and made its own story

this i the most mediocre game i have played

great gameplay, amazing story, great characters (baldur and the twins were fun), nice music, amazing visuals
sometimes there was very obvious filler in the story to make the game longer but i didnt mind all that much

really fun why cant i play online with randoms though

really fun with friends, always gets boring during the last couple weeks of a season though

(black eagles route)
gameplay is fun, didnt really care for the social sim part but it was neat, loved the story especially the tme skip
FUCK edelgard though

the factory must grow (at a later time cause i got burned out lol)

very relaxing 10 minute long demo