cute gimmick, but by warioware standards, this one was a little underdone.

luigi's mansion: dead by dawn

linear, but good!

? the best lego game for some reason?

how the hell are you going to have a name as cool as that and turn out to be a boring slog

arson has never been so satisfying

terrifying for whatever fuckin reason. gave the game an incredibly unique identity though

combines some of (where the HELL is kirby) nintendo's best franchises and turns them into adorable theme park attractions, solidifying its status by being a beacon for some of the best multiplayer in any game. period.

would you guys believe me if said you could use wreck it ralph to send an army of giant wasps after danica patrick in this game

the pinnacle of couch multiplayer

look, i get it

sticker star comes at a time where unique mario experiences were released far apart from each other, and for them to give the standard mario treatment to a series that (at the time) symbolized how far an incredibly experimental spin-off series can take itself when given proper love and care, was understandably a motivator in the current outrage that sparked from this game. but if one were to ignore all that, and go into this series with this game as their first experience, they'd walk away thinking it was a fun time.

marking as completed because i felt that i have accomplished everything i wanted to in this game

as of right now, it's probably still the best animal crossing game. gives you so so much to do, the freedom that comes with being mayor is never wasted. incredibly nice experience

oh to be a dog with a manhole cover on my back💔

would be perfect without those abysmal second and third cases

final case in this game is my final ace attorney case in general, and is honestly what single-handedly propels this game to a 4 for me