portable mediocrity

smash on 3ds does its job very well. it's smash on the go. that is really all you need! unfortunately, it's smash 4 on the go. that's when things get dicey

smash 4 in general is kind of a big mess, a big contributor to why it's the worst one. so many ideas are thrown at you, with only a couple MAYBE sticking, this version being no different. smash run is a pretty good time, but a lack of customization holds it back by an extreme amount. played it for hours and hours on end as a kid, did everything i wanted to (which is why it's marked as completed), but looking at it now, i realized there was always something missing

a cute eshop exclusive kirby game!! very short and probably not worth what they were asking for at the time, but it isn't bad!

i think yoshi might be nintendos worst franchise

one of if not the best 2D platformer ever made.

tropical freeze is a fucking triumph in its genre, surpassing every preconceived notion you might have before jumping into this absolute delight. the level design is otherworldly, its ability to transport you to stunning locals, topped off with gorgeous transitions accompanied by sweeping musical scores. excellence incarnate. perfection handed to you on a silver fucking platter

after returns to dreamland, triple deluxe aims to capitalize on that revitalized kirby market with a by-the-numbers kirby game, but this time on 3DS. does the mario thing where it talks about how much of a new location the game is set in, but falls into the same categories of planet popstar and its different locations. the new copy abilities are pretty fun to use and incredibly versatile, makes them a treat to use during boss fights. the hypernova gimmick could use a little more polish i feel like, it gets pretty repetitive with how you're supposed to use it, but it's pretty fun to watch. overall, really solid!

blown away by how rad the story mode to this game was!! very meaty with some incredible writing and voice acting, sticking true to mainline persona games. the gameplay is sick, basically what you expect form an arcsys fighter. hoping for p5 arena, especially after how they handled this gem

i love when a game leaves me speechless

in hindsight, it's easy to see why a LOT of people wrote off 3D world as an average mario experience, merely stretched 3 inches horizontally with an angled camera. while not completely true, that very idea is why this game was always kinda spectacular. with 3D land, mario's wings in this new(ish) terrain weren't exactly given the chance to spread fully, so plopping him on a home console was a pretty good idea!! this game takes on a lot of galaxy's roots and just starts chucking new idea after new idea with almost every level. one minute you're wrestling with the mechanics of a new power-up while the level challenges your very ability to do so, and the next you're dealing with whatever fuckin direction plessie thinks you wanted to go. what i'm trying to say is that this game is great, and don't let its generic presentation fool you. also it's such a fucking blast with others

for what it's worth, island tour is a standard, no-frills addition to the flatlining franchise that is mario party. unfortunately that is also why it's kinda mid

they absolutely fucking botched this game but real ones remember the good times. we are all going to make it

you can tell there was an effort to capture the spirit of the previous mario and sonic olympic games, but whether it be due to poor implementation of the gamepad or just a lack of new ideas after already doing a winter game, this one seems to fall flat