getting this during finals season was probably a bad idea

i liked this game but i gotta say the last 16 or so levels are next level evil. just the most fucked up guesswork ever construed by the worlds top sociopath But other than that ilikegit🙂


worst one of these i played so far but it wasn't terrible! had fun but something here just didn't click

never played osu but i imagine this is a lot better

for anyone on the fence about getting this game: do NOT buy it. you will realize that the most addicting game ever created is this one and nothing else you do will matter unless your time is spent on this

hey still haven't beaten it. i'm on august now. still incredible. follow my letterboxd too also

this is the biggest hipster game to ever exist and it would've been taken down had everyone not forgotten about its existence a week after it released. garbage

only on chapter 5 but probably beats out 7 for my favorite yakuza. if this game can stick the landing while still offering insane amounts of content then it's a no-brainer

holy shit lol. not even done. still on may. had to write something for it anyway. incredible, incredible stuff. also it's fucked up that sega released 70+ hour jrpgs within a week of each other

alright so ignore my last review of this because basically i'm a fucking idiot

haven't been on here in a while, played and beat a lot of games since my last review, and i'm excited to eventually get back to reviewing/rating everything on my profile as well as potentially revising existing ones. i think the main reason i haven't used this platform as much as i used to is because this thing doesn't have a mobile app. i'd go bonkers on here again if it did, and i think it would probably get more eyes on this platform than it currently has, which is like maybe seven. i know it's a small team over there but i really want to see this succeed! in the sea of quite a few "letterboxd but for Evil Gamers" websites this one stands above the rest as one that doesn't suck complete ass. i like having a platform where i'm able to succinctly talk about games while also goin crazy over them if need be. helps to sort my thoughts and appreciate what i'm reviewing more. i also like that people read and sometimes like them that's nice. oh yeah also this game is fucking awesome