would be better if he was in a 3D world instead. but that's probably never gonna happen, so

i have a lot of fond memories playing this over at my aunts house during summer vacation, would grind constantly to get 999 lives and change my icons to those 3 crowns that show up. i loved how the levels was so bite-sized, the 3D made it seem like a little world inside of every level, and imagining a bunch of em all lined up in the future would always get me excited. it doesn't really stick to a theme, the worlds background/location doesn't exactly matter a whole lot. still, a must have for the system

best uncharted from an action perspective, worst uncharted from a story perspective. all you need to know

it might be small to some, but the inclusion of 2D sections in modern sonics levels bogs the game down heavily for me, doesn't help that classic sonic isn't exactly enjoyable to control either. putting that aside, it's an absolute thrill ride with really fun callbacks and fast-paced gameplay. love it

back to formula (good thing)

follows after new super mario and goes back to kirby's roots, literally, with him being back in dream land. the result is a near perfectly crafted platformer with some of the absolute best copy abilities level design in a kirby game!! it's so simple yet so enjoyable, and that factor multiplies heavily when playing through the game with other people. i love the power trip the game makes you feel when getting the ultra abilities, every game ever should do that

a cute little 3ds eshop game!! hoping nintendo makes this accessible in the future

angry birds star wars 3 with the new trilogy when

i could never beat this game as a kid, not because it was too hard, but because it took about a million hours to actually complete it

fun idea and actually executed quite well! has the absolute best minigames in the series

drake ain't got SHIT on this

don't make the mistake of writing this off as bootleg minecraft

GOTTA come back to this one. phenomenal multiplayer experience, and so SO satisfying to figure out the solution to a puzzle.

just like the real thing (kinda) (almost) (not really)

i'm a simple guy, you give me a wuhu island sandbox with jetpacks, gliders and jet planes to roam around in with different challenges to complete as an 8 year old and im gonnna go crazy

fuck crypto lemme pay for everything in play coins