Aside from Pokemon, this game was my JRPG awakening back in high school. It was such a wild experience going from playing a bunch of games at the time with very basic stories to one that spans such an intriguing setting. I also thought it was incredibly unique that the main party was limited to where you couldn't use every character and had to pass on some if you wanted to use others. It felt like a very nice way to incentivize repeated playthroughs.

Originally played this in high school but have since replayed multiple times. The final case is easily my favorite in the series, to the point where I call this my second favorite game in the series, but the other cases can be a bit ehh. There are also a few very obtuse leaps in logic that can kill the momentum.

Undeniably fun. That being said, there is something to be said about whether you choose to play this, original MGS1, or both. The original keeps a bit of a more consistent tone in line with sneaking through Shadow Moses while Twin Snakes is a bit more over-the-top but has gameplay closer to the rest of the series.

Just another military shooter. The only positive thing going for it is how unintentionally gay it is. It's very "And they were roommates"

I haven't played it since high school but I do recall it having some really neat mechanics and having fun with it. This was all before I realized I didn't really like Star Wars tho so idk

If I had a nickel for every licensed movie game featuring a character originally played by Jack Black that had no business being as fun as it was I would have two nickels etc.

They really named a guy Professor Pickle

Neat game at the time. As a kid it introduced me to the concept of resource management, I guess.

I don't like how that horse is looking at me

I remember having a lot of fun, even more so since it was a continuation of Wind Waker.