nostalgia for an Xbox 360 kid who couldn’t play The Show

Gorgeous art style, but wasn't a huge fan of the combat or save system. I've heard both of those are improved in the sequel so looking forward to that.

What a breath of fresh air for 2D Mario and what a masterpiece at that.


maybe rogue-likes just aren't my thing

Might finish it in the future but for some reason just not feeling it. Feels like I’m just running from checkpoint to checkpoint. I don’t feel a need to explore in an open world that I theoretically should. The world is pretty to look at but boring to traverse in. The story and characters are great but I just couldn’t push through. I’m probably burnt out on open world games, so maybe when I feel the itch to, I’ll come back to it.

fun 2D platformer/beatemup

but what the hell was that ending. Not saying it was bad but what the hell

For quite a while this was VERY addicting. I think you have to go in with the mindset of this being a cozy game (which it is) rather than trying to min-max and grind as much as you can. I often would play with a podcast on or TV show in the background and it was perfect for that.

Eventually though, 80 hours in to my farm — 30 of those coming lately due to getting COVID — I was ready to complete the community center and set the game down. Usually these “endless” games similar to Animal Crossing I get around that 100 hour mark and I’ve played enough. There was still more I could have done but I’m satisfied with my plate. I’ve eaten enough.

That’s not to say this game wasn’t incredible, especially considering the love and care put into it all by one person. ConcernedApe is still working on updates to this day and that dedication shows in his craft. I’ll never forget my time as a farmer in Stardew Valley, and maybe one day I’ll return to plant more starfruit.

Can’t wait for Haunted Chocolatier.

Finished it all in one sitting. So simple and yet so charming. A unique way to tell a story through something that irl is tedious, but here it's satisfying.


Wanted to have a separate review for this one. Man do I wish I got into these games sooner. Space, lore and story are all things I absolutely adore so I'm surprised I didn't get into this franchise sooner.

I enjoyed all the world building in this first game. The codex being voiced and as detailed as it is isn't something you see often. Some of the side-stuff was good as well, but got very repetitive gameplay-wise. I'm excited for 2 as I've heard it's a big jump in gameplay.

You can definitely feel the age of it. The combat and mako is clunky at times, but overall was such a fun, grossing experience and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.

After getting halfway and not beating it the first time, I’m definitely glad I finally came around to finish it. Didn’t really do many side missions, but enjoyed most of the main story. Feel like controls are wonky at times, but traversing a messed up city is loads of fun. Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy are superb as Batman and Joker as per usual. However although many do, I wouldn’t put this as my top superhero game. But maybe it’s just because I don’t have a connection with Batman like I do with Spider-Man. I definitely will play Arkham Knight eventually.

Pure multiplayer racing fun and with the DLC the definitive Mario Kart game. Excited to see where they take the franchise next.

This was my first metroidvania and while I can say it was frustrating at times, beating bosses after numerous attempts was extremely satisfying. The art style is gorgeous to look at and the exploration is satisfying. I only got the one ending, but maybe once I find time I’ll go back to get the other endings. Look forward to waiting 5 more years for Silksong.