I loved this game so much I played it through again immediately after I finished

Something just clicked, man; the whole whimsically tragic nature of the whole thing; the fact that it was like playing a Neil Gaiman novel...man, it just enveloped me in the best possible way

Like most people of a similar age, this alongside Pokemon was, more or less, my introduction to the turned based JRPG...and it hasn't quite reached or surpassed those levels ever since

Seriously, this game is wonderful...almost no fat, pretty much perfectly paced, wonderful characters, virtually no level grinding to speak of...this is a standard on which other games in this genre should strive to meet, as far as I'm concerned; all time good stuff

It's one of the best games ever made

I'd assume this is common knowledge at this point

The best game in the series, and an absolute masterpiece in terms of what games are capable of in terms of combining gameplay and narrative

This game holds a special place with me because it was my introduction to what I consider to be the best puzzle game franchise, Puyo Puyo

Of course, Kirby and friends fit this setting like a glove

i love this stupid fucking game

i love the fact that they copied things wholesale from donnie darko and twin peaks

i love some of the cringetastic dialogue

i love the fact that the relationship between the two leads ended up being genuinely touching and ended up making me legitimately invested in what happens to them

this game is an anomaly...absolutely nothing should work, but somehow, it did for me, and it remains as close to a guilty pleasure as i'll allow media to become (like what you like, people...fuck 'em)

This game has some pacing problems, and some really obtuse puzzles, not to mention far too much dialogue at points, but, dammit, you know what? I absolutely love it; it's an absolute event of a game and, for better or for worse, really demonstrates what the adventure game genre is capable of

yeah, the writing was a bit on the fan-ficish side and some of the music was jarring with how out of place it was, but, dammit, i still enjoyed my time with this one, despite its flaws

knowing a bunch of kids made this...i don't know, sometimes i'll grade on a curb, why not? they tried, and while they didn't get there all the way, it's a solid B-minus for effort...I could see myself playing this again

People won't shut up about how good this game is for a reason

It's Banjo Kazooie, it's the absolute peak of the mountain in terms of 3D mascot collectathon platformers...it's right up there with Mario 64 and one of the few bonafide smash successes on a console that ultimately became fairly disappointing...sure, this might be mostly nostalgia talking here, but as someone who's replayed it here in recent years, I found myself having just as much fun with it now as I did when I was a child, so, we're going the full monty

A lot of the stuff we all know and love about the Zelda franchise started right here...a good chunk of people would even consider this the best game in the series, and while I don't echo those sentiments, I can absolutely see where they're coming from

it's chrono trigger WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME

Honestly probably the Harvest Moon game I have the most affection/nostalgia for, and likely the one I played the most often

It was buggy as all hell (apparently thanks to holiday rush), but it's still a friend of mine

Like pretty much everyone else will tell you, this game lives almost entirely on its story...the gameplay is MISERABLE

Seriously, it's a testament to how enthralling both the characters and its story actually are that I'm even able to give it 3.5 stars

I like it mostly because it's a Life is Strange game where you can play as Chloe, who's easily my favorite character in the entire franchise

It doesn't work quite as well as the main game does, and there's definitely points where you can tell they had to try and force it to get certain things to work, but I'm glad it exists...the character moments between Chloe and Rachel are more than worth the price of admission

This game is a disjointed mess, but man, I love it to pieces anyway

The music, the characters, the fact that it has no idea what type of game it wants to be (is it a conspiracy thriller? is it furry Life is Strange? the answer to that is YES)...man, I had a great time with this one