as far as I'm concerned, the best baseball sim ever made...possibly the most satisfying pitching mechanic I've ever seen in a game

I actually had a lot of fun with this one; this is how you do a homage JRPG right

Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger are two of my favorite games of all time, and imagine my delight when the combat turned out to be a nice combination of the two, right down to the timed hits (seriously why does NOBODY rip that off)

Yes, the two leads are kind of bland (I love the supporting cast, though), and the story isn't going to blow any minds, but, like, look at the games they're paying homage's more than serviceable...I was satisfied, at least

(Also this game is GORGEOUS holy crap)

yeah, the writing was a bit on the fan-ficish side and some of the music was jarring with how out of place it was, but, dammit, i still enjoyed my time with this one, despite its flaws

knowing a bunch of kids made this...i don't know, sometimes i'll grade on a curb, why not? they tried, and while they didn't get there all the way, it's a solid B-minus for effort...I could see myself playing this again

man...I was not feeling this one...trying to find your way around after a while was like pulling teeth, and the storyline just wasn't interesting enough for me to want to tolerate any of that

Man...this one was rough

I wanted to like it, but man, this one was kind of boring...I made it through the first act before I had to bail

The graphics were neat (the fact that it looks like an old Enix game is a big reason why I tried it in the first place) and the music was fine, though

This game was a good time! I loved the atmosphere, the world building, the OST, the characters, all of the core stuff...I just thought the whole computer manipulation stuff got to be a bit much near the end? Don't get me wrong, the word document and the wallpaper thing were cool, but the overlay/clover puzzle at the end is one of the most frustrating things I've ever come across gaming wise...outside of that, though, it absolutely deserves all the praise it gets

EDIT: Finally played through the Solstice was good enough to bump up the rating half a star, but man...that overlay is still rough

one of the most irritating gaming experiences I've ever had

the battles are the exact same thing every single time, and they last forever

I don't know why I should care about these characters or the story that's being told with them

Interesting idea on paper, but man, this ain't it, chief

there's not much to it yet, but what's there is actually pretty neat...the 4 is going to be a placeholder until the game gets finished

I have a soft spot for a lot of these "remember how cool the SNES JRPG games were?" games, and, should this one keep on the trajectory it's on, this would definitely should be added to the list

The fact that it's called "Heartbound" is absolutely ridiculous,, c'mon, try and hide your influences at least a little

This game holds a special place with me because it was my introduction to what I consider to be the best puzzle game franchise, Puyo Puyo

Of course, Kirby and friends fit this setting like a glove

When everything else on the console kept falling short, our boy Kirby still decided to show up and deliver both one of the best games on the console and one of the best in the series

As far as I'm concerned, this is still the Ultimate Kirby experience...possibly the game in the series I have the most time with

The 4 stars is almost entirely nostalgia talking, as you can beat this game in like 45 minutes and there's not much replay value to speak of...however, the soundtrack alone is enough to get me to overlook all of that

Ultimately, it's a hell of a debut for one of the best video game characters ever, honestly

About as good of a Mario platformer as you could've hoped for on a handheld system in 1989, honestly

These days, the most memorable thing about it is the soundtrack

like, to quote Meatwad..."I get ain't making me laugh, but I get it"

I don't know,'s an interesting idea, but the whole ThinkGeek-esque humor about it all got really grating after a while, to the point where even if there were multiple endings I didn't see (a near certainty), I didn't really care to figure it out

revolutionary for its time, but man, has it not aged well