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Overall it is become better and better than the previous game. but too bad the last boss battle is not as grande as baldur's fight. I expected odin will be a challenging battle because he is the all father but i think i was wrong

Not really into visual novel but this one is so mindblowing!!

i dunno why but this game is so fun. That beautiful pixel art and simple yet challenging game. Glory to arstotzka

I think it is the best for me. A bit biased tho because of the nostalgia factor

at that time this game is like the best hack and slash game ever

Perfecting something perfect. The OG game is already perfect, but this remastered is make it more beautiful

My favorite game! and the fact that this game not successful on market just because of a false review is so sad :( they said the control is bad but the newest god of war game have almost the same control meaning it was not that bad at all. The game is challenging. Cringe yet funny jokes. memorable funny moves. memorable weird design character. the best difficulties difference (not only just make the enemies thicker and stronger, but also make them have different moveset, combination and more agile).

My first monster hunter series. I mean i wanted to play the one that in PS2, but I never find the english version so I can't play it. The monsters is cool and vary. The weapons and armor also quite a lot, you can have all your time to learn all of these variation

Not really have any differences with the previous game mechanically. But other aspects is still great. Beautiful graphics, unique robots, etc

My favorite fighting game and tekken series. Havent try tekken 8 tho. The only downside is tekken 7 started to be a pay to play character game. before, you play the arcade mode to get the characters, but now almost all of additional content need to be paid.

I've played this game since the early update since now and i never bored. I even lost multiple save file and started again from scratch. I can't give this game perfect score because it lacks a lot of convenient feature, like cloud save and fast forward

Easy to play and quick for every game. slowly but sure the devs addded a lot of convenient feature

one of my favorite mobile game. The design is cute. Lots of character that i want to draw. Too bad at some point you will reach a point where it taking a really long time just to upgrade a character for F2P. But overall it is really good.