It's Early Access so things can change. Beautiful dinosaur and mammal designs and there's so much freedom to be creative but the wonky controls really hold this back for me. No controller support either is a big key down for me personally.

A really pleasant surprise. Zoo tycoons are not my thing at but I love dinosaurs so I gave it a shot, liked this game a lot even if I got frustrated at some points.

Amazing, amazing game. Only reason it's not a full 5 starts was because I wanted to keep playing even after 100% it 😭

bosses were a bit mediocre too

It's got Yoshi!!!

other than that, it's the only thing it has over the first game.

Quite possibly my favorite Mario game.

easily the best Mario Party. At the very least, best of the Gamecube era

weird but funny kart game, kinda unique for the "vehicles" honestly

my Donkey and Dronkey go kinda crazy ngl

Gingy was op

actually pretty decent 4 player game lmfao

I like the models, movement, and performance here than 100 Freights but it's not as good as that game overall. Still really enjoyed it as a Scooby-Doo fan

I actually didn't enjoy this game at first. It took a while after beating it to make me realize this is the best Scooby-Doo game, and an amazing licensed game, from a time when those they were actually made with some care. It's a weird, Metroidvania-like game, so if you're into that and Scooby-Doo, then go for this!!

Another childhood favorite that I'm extremely sad is not on PC. This is basically the first game but with much more content and two new garden areas. I love these games, please either put them on PC or Switch

GOD if only I could use a Gamecube controller. Amazing roster but this is just Godzilla's Super Smash Bros. Brawl