Mainline Final Fantasy

Every mainline FF game I've played in some way. Unordered after FFV, currently playing FFVI on original Playstation hardware.

Wasn't exposed to this one too much outside of the internet wildfire it caused and some short attempts at playing it. At this point, the story has been explained to me a dozen times over. Will update when I get to this game.
Gameplay/Exploration: -
Story: -
Protagonists: -
Music: -
Antagonists: -
Side Characters: -
Final Dungeon: -
Side Content/Post game: -
The first Final Fantasy I think I've ever seen, watched an older friend of mine play and gave it about an hour of playtime. Will update when I get to this game.
Gameplay/Exploration: -
Story: -
Protagonists: -
Music: -
Antagonists: -
Side Characters: -
Final Dungeon: -
Side Content/Post game: -
Played within a year of release date along with it's platinum demo. Will update on revisit.
Gameplay/Exploration: -
Story: -
Protagonists: -
Music: -
Antagonists: -
Side Characters: -
Final Dungeon: -
Side Content/Post game: -
Emulated around ~2012-2014. Will update on revisit.
Gameplay/Exploration: -
Story: -
Protagonists: -
Music: -
Antagonists: -
Side Characters: -
Final Dungeon: -
Side Content/Post game: -
Played on emulator around ~2016 didn't get around to beating it. Will update on revisit.
Gameplay/Exploration: -
Story: -
Protagonists: -
Music: -
Antagonists: -
Side Characters: -
Final Dungeon: -
Side Content/Post game: -
Watched a full playthrough of the game. Will update when I get to this game.
Gameplay/Exploration: -
Story: -
Protagonists: -
Music: -
Antagonists: -
Side Characters: -
Final Dungeon: -
Side Content/Post game: -
Played on emulator around ~2015. Will update on revisit.
Gameplay/Exploration: -
Story: -
Protagonists: -
Music: -
Antagonists: -
Side Characters: -
Final Dungeon: -
Side Content/Post game: -
The first genuinely fun to play FF imo. A super adventurous game with the most charming characters
Gameplay/Exploration: 4.5
Story: 4
Protagonists: 4
Music: 3.5
Antagonists: 4
Side Characters: 4
Final Dungeon: 3
Side Content/Post game: 3.5
The most "drama"-like Final Fantasy, a very cool story with plenty of characters to love
(Rating for base game, not After Years/Interlude)
Gameplay/Exploration: 3
Story: 4
Protagonists: 4
Music: 4
Antagonists: 4.5
Side Characters: 3.5
Final Dungeon: 3
Side Content/Post game: 2.5
A surprising entry, with a post game adventure that wraps the story up well (PSP)
Gameplay/Exploration: 2
Story: 3
Protagonists: 2
Music: 3
Antagonists: 2
Side Characters: 4
Final Dungeon: 5
Side Content/Post game: 4.5
Doesn't do much for me in any way
Gameplay/Exploration: 0.5
Story: 1
Protagonists: 0.5
Music: 2.5
Antagonists: 1
Side Characters: 0.5
Final Dungeon: 1
Side Content/Post game: 0.5
An improved version of the first game, with a huge upgrade in music and adventure
Gameplay/Exploration: 2.5
Story: 2
Protagonists: 3.5
Music: 4
Antagonists: 1
Side Characters: 3
Final Dungeon: 3
Side Content/Post game: 3


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