I played it on the 2.01 patch. Great game. Night City is a beautiful place to walk and drive around. The skyline looks really pretty too. Gameplay is fun, and there are a lot of mechanics to exploit. I went in blind, and didn't have any problems with difficulty (Normal Mode).
I think the story is nice, but does feel weak in some areas. The voice acting and animation is excellent, much better compared to other triple A studio games. You do get immersed with those animations.

The guns are fun and have cool features. I did encounter some funny bugs such as floating people or cars flying, but nothing game breaking. I think everyone should give Cyberpunk a chance now!


Overhyped game. If you didn't play as a cat, no one would care about this game. The mechanics are boring - the cat practically moves for you. There are way too many text boxes for a game focusing on presentation and visuals. It is focusing too much on the story when that is not the focus. The game is short, and I'm grateful for that cause I could not put up with this kind of gameplay for any longer.

A rare gamefreak W. This time a massive W. Playing this in 2014 was amazing. I grew up on Gen 3, so this game hit hard. I really love how they included the best of Gen 3 and Gen 6 mechanics. The music still slaps, and the artstyle is just perfect.

I still am baffled by how amazing the Primals and Megas look, no idea why they stopped that.

The Eon Flute is one of the best things GF has done, it made my childhood dream come true. Flying around Hoenn on a Mega Latios/Latias. Younger me wouldn't believe that.

Another thing I still can't believe is the Delta Episode. Not going to spoil anything, but this was amazing postgame stuff and I wish they kept doing it.

This was the first Yakuza game I played. At the start, I was kinda disappointed by the game, since the mechanics really didn't click and I wasn't super invested in the story. But right around Chapter 3 I got hooked!

I really love the story for these games. Its not the most complex thing, but I really like it for that. They know its not supposed to be really deep and do a great job with it. I really like the way the characters are built up, and you get these really lovable and hate-able characters. The battle mechanics are simple and flashy, but the combos are satisfying to execute.

A few complaints I have are the stupid skill tree system and the tedious "search for X" missions. The meaty part of the game is the story and the fights, and it should try to focus more on that. But overall a great experience!

This game is a masterpiece. I've been playing it since the early Xbox 360 days, and have bought the game on the Switch and PC. I mainly play it on PC nowadays and the game keeps getting better. Whenever I am bored of other games, this is what I jump back to. So much content, amazing boss fights, and even grinding sometimes is relaxing! (Though I despise fishing). Such a gem of a game, I recommend this to everyone! This is even more fun with friends.

3D Mario = Masterpiece. There really isn't much to say. How Nintendo EDP keeps making these games is crazy. Not an ounce of fat, just creativity oozing out. Mario's movements haven't felt as snappy and smooth before. Controlling him feels really good. The level design is, of course, fantastic. And I really love the "Open Zone" nature of the game. Fewer menus, more gameplay!