Overhyped game. If you didn't play as a cat, no one would care about this game. The mechanics are boring - the cat practically moves for you. There are way too many text boxes for a game focusing on presentation and visuals. It is focusing too much on the story when that is not the focus. The game is short, and I'm grateful for that cause I could not put up with this kind of gameplay for any longer.

3D Mario = Masterpiece. There really isn't much to say. How Nintendo EDP keeps making these games is crazy. Not an ounce of fat, just creativity oozing out. Mario's movements haven't felt as snappy and smooth before. Controlling him feels really good. The level design is, of course, fantastic. And I really love the "Open Zone" nature of the game. Fewer menus, more gameplay!

A rare gamefreak W. This time a massive W. Playing this in 2014 was amazing. I grew up on Gen 3, so this game hit hard. I really love how they included the best of Gen 3 and Gen 6 mechanics. The music still slaps, and the artstyle is just perfect.

I still am baffled by how amazing the Primals and Megas look, no idea why they stopped that.

The Eon Flute is one of the best things GF has done, it made my childhood dream come true. Flying around Hoenn on a Mega Latios/Latias. Younger me wouldn't believe that.

Another thing I still can't believe is the Delta Episode. Not going to spoil anything, but this was amazing postgame stuff and I wish they kept doing it.

This was the first Yakuza game I played. At the start, I was kinda disappointed by the game, since the mechanics really didn't click and I wasn't super invested in the story. But right around Chapter 3 I got hooked!

I really love the story for these games. Its not the most complex thing, but I really like it for that. They know its not supposed to be really deep and do a great job with it. I really like the way the characters are built up, and you get these really lovable and hate-able characters. The battle mechanics are simple and flashy, but the combos are satisfying to execute.

A few complaints I have are the stupid skill tree system and the tedious "search for X" missions. The meaty part of the game is the story and the fights, and it should try to focus more on that. But overall a great experience!

I played it on the 2.01 patch. Great game. Night City is a beautiful place to walk and drive around. The skyline looks really pretty too. Gameplay is fun, and there are a lot of mechanics to exploit. I went in blind, and didn't have any problems with difficulty (Normal Mode).
I think the story is nice, but does feel weak in some areas. The voice acting and animation is excellent, much better compared to other triple A studio games. You do get immersed with those animations.

The guns are fun and have cool features. I did encounter some funny bugs such as floating people or cars flying, but nothing game breaking. I think everyone should give Cyberpunk a chance now!

This game is a masterpiece. I've been playing it since the early Xbox 360 days, and have bought the game on the Switch and PC. I mainly play it on PC nowadays and the game keeps getting better. Whenever I am bored of other games, this is what I jump back to. So much content, amazing boss fights, and even grinding sometimes is relaxing! (Though I despise fishing). Such a gem of a game, I recommend this to everyone! This is even more fun with friends.

If you like 2D Mario, this is a no brainer. Endless levels, but every single Mario Maker level is either too easy, or forged in hell. Getting those just right levels and mastering them is really fun. Though I despise the stupid animation and wait time between deaths.

Game Freak actually did something. Wow. This game was incredible and a lot of fun. Much needed change for the series. The catching and battles are fast, seamless and entertaining. Most battles end up quickly - either you KO the opponent, or you get KO'd. You level up really fast too, but are never overleveled. Also has a dodge roll button! Graphics are really bad, but this is the step in the right direction.

This was an amazing game. I love the artstyle and the game mechanics. For me, the strongest aspect of the game is the story. All the characters are extremely well written and lovable. While it starts off slightly slowly, the story picks up pace very quickly and makes you play the chapters back to back.

The game mechanics/puzzles are also really fun. The levels are cleverly designed and really make you think before performing certain actions.

Only gripe I have is the switching between the worlds feels a bit clunky and delayed.

However, this game is a fantastic experience which everyone should try!

I abandoned this game really early on. I couldn't deal with the pacing, and the "empty" world. Yes, its a really pretty game, but the realistic aspect of the game was a bit too realistic for me. Movement felt clunky, and a lot of the tasks felt like a chore. Maybe I'll give it a shot later, but I had a really bad first impression.

This was a weird game for me. I don't really know how to feel about it.
First and foremost, I put this game off for a long time. This is mainly cause the start of the game is SO SLOW. Ori doesn't have any abilities and is no fun to control. Only thing you can do is jump and attack. For the first 3 hours this was how the game was - very bare bones, and tiresome to navigate. But to give credit where credit is due, when you unlock some of the later abilities, movement gets so much more fun. You can really get creative with the puzzle solving and platforming with these abilities.

Another major gripe I have are the visuals and animations. I cannot stand it. I understand the setting and theme, but the amount of blue in the level pallete is jarring. My eyes hurt. There are too many things glowing at a billion lumens on the screen. And the art/animations, in my opinion aren't that great - or maybe not my cup of tea.

Another unpopular opinion is the music is subpar. I heard the music of a level once, and then just put it on low and played music over it. Not my style.

The level design is decent. You don't really get "lost' in a level/section, which I appreciate since I hate backtracking. However, I feel the puzzles sometimes get annoying. The good puzzles are really good, while the bad ones are "meh".

I would have given the game 2/5, but just for the abilities and platforming puzzles you get towards the end of the game (and its a short game, so not a lot of waiting), I bumped it to a 3.

It's a 3D Mario game, you know its a masterpiece. I didn't have the Wii untill 2012, so I played this really late compared to everyone else, but it still blew my mind. It was years ahead of any other game I had played.

The movements feel so responsive in the space setting, and the mechanics are just so satisfying. Jumping from planet to planet is a joy. Slowly lighting up the observatory is a beautiful way to show the progress in the game. I've played this game multiple times, and its such a charming game.

It's such an addictive game once it clicks. The skill ceiling is so high, you are always improving. Its a shame that Epic is ruining the game now, but objectively, the game itself is incredible.

I was really disappointed with this game. Firstly - lets get the good stuff out of the way - the music and voice acting is really good. It does a great job in setting the theme of the game.

Now for all the bad things.
Firstly, the gameplay. It gets boring really, really quickly. There are only 2 types of levels in this game - shoot waves of enemies, and on wheels shooting. The enemies are no fun to deal with - even with headshots they take forever to die. Not to mention how janky the controls are. It is not fun moving Nathan Drake around, and trying to take cover and shoot. Infact, the controls and level designs culminate into one of the worst levels I have seen in video game history. The Jetski drive and shoot level is atrocious. It is impossible to maneuver the jetski and shoot consistently. When playing the level, I thought the objective was to make a dash on the jetski while shooting the enemies. But with the horrible controls and level design, it literally becomes a cover shooter on a jetski. You have to stop, take your time shooting enemies, and then proceed. It is horrible.
The platforming is whatever, its a single click to hop platforms and sometimes you have to time it with falling platforms and swings. Its not the best, but it is something I can see in a "story" focused game.

However, nothing compares to the "twist" near the end of the game. Not going to spoil anything, but I was so shocked and upset by this twist, it completely ruined the game for me.

I gave it a 2 cause of the music, voice acting, and environment design.

Pizza Tower is an incredibly fun game for its price. The art style is really goofy and suits the setting and mindless plot of the game.

But the important part of the game is really the movement and levels. Firstly the movement - as Dunkey put it, it's really greasy. It takes a bit of time to get used to it, but it gets super fun to blaze through levels without stopping. Speaking of the levels, most of them are decent, and a few are super creative. You get these cool power ups in some levels which are a breath of fresh air. However, some levels kinda made me nauseous cause I was moving too fast. The thing I hate about the level design is that you need to collect these toppings to proceed to the next floor. These are really annoying to find, and for the most part I just accidentally bumped into them. I was actually short 5 toppings before the final level, and I just changed my save file cause I really despise this toppings mechanic thing.

However, the most enjoyment I had in this game were the boss fights. They are so creative and the right balance of fun and challenging.

This game is really fun and a must pick for its price!