Use to be great, now just full of DLC and bloat

I really like this game. The idea of a time loop strategy shooter is so fun and creative. Sadly, the player base isn't there. I really hope this game get a clone or remake or something and it takes off.

Screwed over by kickstart campagin. Was a dbd clone, but died on/before release

Love the first part, eh the second part, in the third part and stopped for now.

One of the best pvpve games I've ever played. I love the old style guns with the gritty bayou.

Rating is because I'm bad at fighting game and having times when I regret buying. It's a solid game, but the sound track got me to buy it.

Good songs, decent story, terrible gameplay

It's not an original thought, but favorite in the series. I haven't played much on PC, but I've spend probably close to 100+ hours on the ps3 when it released.

Doom 2016, but with a few annoying enemies and deeper lore into the doom slayer


A good spin off of the second game, gives a lot of new story points and exploration of the world of dishonored. Was a bit short and should have been DLC, but it was cheaper and longer enough I suppose

A good successor to the first, and having 2 playable characters make the game more replayable, but it's hard to beat the feel of the original. This game is hard to compare to 1 since they have different narratives but i still love this game so much.

My favorite stealth game. I love the challenge of trying to not be detected or killing and completing the game finding completely new routes and ways to achieve your goals.