this game is really really good! if you enjoy good action and a very impressive aesthetic i'd say basically no other game can capture and you have a ps4 i implore you to check it out!

an extremely impressive follow-up to an already very very good game. again, check this (and obv the og game) out!

been playing since 2015 and have barely stopped ever since, this expansion makes it all the more worthwhile and brings extremely helpful balances to otherwise bad items. (it also adds 19 new characters and two new endings. pretty fucking good for an expansion we waited about 3 years for.)

while it i didn't think it was my type of game, i fell in love with the artstyle and characters of this game immediately, and found myself coming back for more every few hours. the only big issue i have with it is that a majority of the time in subsequent playthroughs you just kinda dawdle until you find someone you haven't met before. otherwise, very solid.

shovel knight and its other titles are so fantastic. after playing the base game on wii u, i was super hyped for another couple expansions to come out, and i was blown away by all of them. the only one that didn't exactly do it for me was king of cards, mainly because of a part in the endgame that people will probably know about just by me mentioning it. i won't go too into detail, but just see for yourself, these games are fucking amazing.

incredible game, wonderful gameplay loop, and the fact that it's basically an arg in game form is very very well done! one of my faves for sure, i love card games and this game does it very well (unlike a certain kingdom hearts game).

played this a while back, but it was very solid from what i remember. a lot of it is pretty much a sekiro clone, but that's not to say it's bad by any means (especially considering bosses don't have like 3 separate healthbars.) the combat is super satisfying and all the characters in the game have a lot of charm.

played this one in the 1.5 + 2.5 collection, it was really, really fun and is most likely my favorite kingdom hearts game so far. charming characters, really interesting and enthralling lore, and a very, VERY fun combat system.

i wish there was more of this! it was super interesting to see all the characters that were established before the events of kh1 and even bbs, and i was a little frustrated that it ended so abruptly.

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this was a super fun game with an amazing type of storytelling that can honestly only be experienced in this game. the only thing that brings it down to a 3.5 rating is the fact that young xehanort and the anti black coat nightmare were both just horrible boss fights, but the rest of this game was a blast! one of my favorites for sure.

watched this one in the 1.5 + 2.5 collection, this is one of my favorite kh stories for sure. it's really cool to learn about these characters that seem like they don't really have all that much time in the limelight in the main series.

i like playing this game but the fact that it sexualizes every character that's in the game makes me incredibly uncomfortable considering one of them is basically a child