the dynamic music and look of this game are both amazing, and i honestly recommend playing it even if you don't usually play games like this, just for the scenery and ost alone. the only real issues i have with this game are with the gameplay and how ridiculous some of the rooms in the late game can get.

i like playing this game but the fact that it sexualizes every character that's in the game makes me incredibly uncomfortable considering one of them is basically a child

incredible music, weapons, armor, bosses, and all-in-all a must-play for people who have fully experienced vanilla

incredible video game minus some of the rng puzzles and locations. still the only video game to move me to tears with the ending, though!

pretty awesome remaster of a game that came out at least a decade ago now; if you've never played a kirby game, and want to play one, i'd recommend this one or super star ultra

played this a while back, but it was very solid from what i remember. a lot of it is pretty much a sekiro clone, but that's not to say it's bad by any means (especially considering bosses don't have like 3 separate healthbars.) the combat is super satisfying and all the characters in the game have a lot of charm.

unpopular opinion, maybe, but better than silent hill 2! i really, really enjoyed the sound, monster, and environment design in this game. also the best in terms of immersion, in my opinion, and the story's great, too! if you want to start at a silent hill game that has omnidirectional stick controls, i'd recommend this one, but if you're willing to do tank controls, start from 1; gives you a lot more context for this game.

this game is very close to beating bloodborne for me in terms of general aesthetic and worldbuilding, but the metroidvania open world mix they had going here was very confusing sometimes

shovel knight and its other titles are so fantastic. after playing the base game on wii u, i was super hyped for another couple expansions to come out, and i was blown away by all of them. the only one that didn't exactly do it for me was king of cards, mainly because of a part in the endgame that people will probably know about just by me mentioning it. i won't go too into detail, but just see for yourself, these games are fucking amazing.

amazing survival horror game and the start of an incredible franchise, highly recommend if you want to get into the survival horror scene

very cool roguelike with an interesting artstyle and gameplay loop; love the sheer amount of things you can unlock in this game by doing (or not doing!) the most menial of tasks.

very cool dlc to splatoon 3! making a splatoon roguelike was absolutely a step in the right direction, as the gameplay loop of this one is satisfying and features many interesting color chips and palettes to choose from. the only thing i didn't enjoy about this dlc was the lack of variety in objective types; even if they had added maybe 1 or 2 more types of objectives per floor, it would've made for a much more interesting system, imho.