Just a guy with a lot to say about the games he plays.

Here's an approximation of what the stars on my reviews mean (although what I write should mean a lot more than the stars)
= The game was actively unfun
= The game is pretty flawed
** = The game is decent
** = The game is pretty good
* = The game is a masterpiece
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This is genuinely the worst game I have ever played. I raced this game with a friend and beat it, I don't think I would've ever beaten it if there weren't other friends in a Discord call egging us on.

Wild Woody is the worst controlling platformer I have ever played. Even games with intentionally awkward or unpredictable controls have a method and reason behind them, but Wild Woody has no such thing. Even when you think you have Woody's "momentum" based jumps under control, the buggy collision and shotty input detection make every action a dice roll. Sketches serve as transformation-esque powerups, and they're their own can of worms. They're temporary, but have such unintuitive controls that it's likely you won't ever learn the controls of any of the sketches. Using one also makes Woody shorter, further limiting his already terrible platforming abilities.

Wild Woody is a miserable experience if you decide to play it for more than ten minutes (and to be frank, that's a generous amount). It's a shame too, since a lot of ideas the game has could be really fun if they weren't executed with such gracelessness. I like Woody as a sort of over-the-top parody of other "WILD" cartoon mascots of the 90's, and a lot of the music hits a sort of rebellious punk vibe that works really well. Need I mention the hilarious FMV cutscenes? It all screams 90's video game culture and I'm all here for it, even if the game isn't doing it ironically.

Overall, Wild Woody is not worth literally any of your time. If you want to check it out, just watch the short Oney Plays series on Youtube, it's a lot more pleasant than playing the game for yourself.

Sonic the Hedgehog is simultaneously one of the most overrated and overhated games of all time. Sega, as well as people who aren't very big fans of the series, think it's a flawless classic that should be revered for all eternity; most of the core Sonic fanbase, however, seems to absolutely hate it for being too slow. I think that in reality, both sides are being far too hyperbolic, and Sonic the Hedgehog is just decent; it's a pleasant start to the bumpy rollercoaster of quality that is the rest of the series.

Unlike Sonic's other 2D games, Sonic the Hedgehog places emphasis on patient platforming. Marble Zone and Labyrinth Zone demand precise jump timing and preservation of momentum to avoid spikes and fire, and it turns a lot of people off to the game. I fully understand that this is really difficult for beginners, but the game is designed to be satisfying to repeatedly replay and beat faster and faster.

This is exactly where my gripes with both popular opinions of this game come in. Sonic the Hedgehog borders on unfun the first couple of times you play it, but it gets better the more and more you play it. It sucks to not know about an obstacle before it hits you, but after getting hit enough times, you naturally can avoid it. It's these small improvements you make while replaying that Sonic the Hedgehog is designed around. It's not the most genuis design philosophy, but I'd be lying if I said it was downright bad. It's just fine.

Sonic the Hedgehog makes you work to beat it faster and faster, and to me, it's a rather pleasant game to come back to time and time again. With the skill level I'm at right now, it only takes about an hour to beat the game. Its short length makes it a perfect game to impulsively replay on a whim, and I really like that. If you're willing to play the game more than once or play it without the level select cheat, I promise you'll enjoy it more and more every time.

Kirby's Dreamland is a great start to the legacy of consistently fun and simple Kirby games. This game gets some flak for being too short and simple, but in my opinion, that is a strength of the game.

Unlike the rest of Kirby's games, there are no copy abilities in Kirby's Dreamland. This means that all of the combat revolves around inhaling and spitting out enemies, and I'm all here for it. This combat system makes Kirby's Dreamland feel like the combination of a platformer and a shoot-em-up. You can float, but you're relatively slow and defenseless while doing so. If you have something in your mouth, your platforming abilities are limited, since you can no longer float. The core gameplay is all about constantly switching between fleeing with superior platforming ability, and giving up your platforming ability for self defense, and it works very well.

This constantly shifting gameplay is put to extra good use in the boss fights. Every boss has a few attacks that create something for you to inhale, and once you inhale it, it becomes a tense game of waiting for an opportunity to spit it back at the boss and gain your superior movement back.

Kirby's Dreamland is a very short game, much to it's benefit. If it were too long, the extremely basic mechanics would get boring. This length also makes the game very easy to recommend; who doesn't have a little under an hour to see where the Kirby series originated? Kirby's Dreamland is a solid, fun game that I can see myself impulsively replaying for the heck of it in the near future.