super cool but unfortunately has some point and click jank and it makes the completionist in me a little sad but i think that is kind of the point

i was really boutta come back and give this a low 8 and then that ending hit, got damn. might be a little on the short side but that's all the more reason to play it if you haven't yet.

if possible:
- go in completely blind. even if you know some stuff that happens i doubt it's the entire picture
- try to play on an actual DS. emu is fine but the compression they used on some of the fmv cutscenes is a little jank when blown up to the size of a monitor

Like, it looks good, and the music is pretty fitting for the atmosphere, but the voice acting and writing is... bad. The main problem really is the lead who speaks in this slow monotone voice the whole game. What makes it worse is that nearly every other robot emotes like a human would so it just seems out of place, even in the narrative. also it takes a long time to move anywhere which is kind of annoying even for a game that's only 2 hours long

balance board clears the ring sorry

i am going to wait 5 minutes for the game to launch, only for it to crash within 30 minutes

d-pad + needing to press a button to run really kills this game

This is a super hard game to rate, especially since I believe that the best (and only reasonable way to play on a world for more than 2 hours) is modded. The base game is good, but damn if I'm not tired of it after probably at least two thousand hours of it. Would recommend Material Energy^3 and Questing Mayhem.

update from Several years into the future:
vanilla survival is actually legit maybe like a 4 or 5/10. boring as shit and there's nothing to do. BUT mods make this game really good, and so do all the servers with minigames and whatnot. Adventure maps are great as well, don't know how much those really exist anymore but they're always fun. Everything here is good except the actual "main" game and it sucks that so many devs have taken the wrong message from this game's success and just made soooo many shitty, boring survival crafting games lol

like, it's a funny steam gift but it's just a worse mario kart without real online races that actually work. could not understand buying for more than 5 bucks

gameplay's kinda meh but the story's really good


july 16 2020 edit:
just finished the postgame. they really went ahead and put a second whole ass game after the credits huh

Fun game. Ending is pretty good but puzzles can be cheesed pretty easily by just guessing everyone until you get it right

ok in retrospect this one is kind of mid, push the button is great, and trivia murder party i dont have any problems with, but dictionarium is a total dud, and joke boat and role models are only good sometimes

Good ending/story brought down by the first 90% of the game. Get it if it's free, it's worth your time but not your money

if it starts to suck take a break and come back

Kept me on the edge of my seat the whole playthrough. I got it for free on Epic a while ago and I'm only upset at how long I waited to play it. You're doing yourself a disservice if you never experience this game, especially since it's only a couple hours long