so did liu bei and mei sanniang bang or what

dian wei: grunt, grunt, grunt, URRYEEEAT!

I think think this is a far better version than the Portable one. I prefer some of the voice actors that got changed for later releases too.

Idle clicking game. Very trope heavy but has some good girls, so I can't complain too much.

Absolutely nothing better than hammering your mates while drunk on rainbow road then finishing last in every other race- I lived my dream.

The BGM aside? Pretty terrible. Controls are how I remember them for me- awful. I know people love this but I just don't get it.

Basic, but fun.

First PS1 game I ever owned.

Short. Very short.

It's a kinetic novel/comic about depression and relationships. Worth a punt if it's on sale but is over and done within an hour.

Played on the Steam version, not the PSP one.

It's not as good as the PS2 release, but it's still fun. If you go down from 5 to 3, you'll find things a bit limited but there's still plenty here for you to enjoy.

Now going to play through again and try and get all the bits I missed.

Lots of endings, lots of routes!

Fun little VN with a twist.

Very lower mid Metroid-esqe jam. Everything about it was very forgettable. The music, the levels, the bosses. All very meh.

Stylish as hell and fun to play. Pity it always felt incredibly short.

A relatively okay-ish 80's cheese inspired gun game. I remember the helicopter boss being very, very difficult with janky hit boxes.

Fun soundtrack. About it.

Would be a truly top tier FF with a stronger cast. I genuinely didn't vibe with any of the main crew except Freya. The rest were levels of "meh" to "nah". Beatrix though.

and my overlooked favourite, Lani.

The graphics, job system and soundtrack are absolutely banging, mind.

Fun level design- felt like something new with how the vehicles moved on water. Put a lot of time into this when I was a teenager.